Monday, March 9, 2009

"The Office": Season 5, Episode 16: "Blood Drive"

“The Office”
Season 5, Episode 16: “Blood Drive”
Grade: A-

Our first Office episode in a while. The show came back with a touching and funny episode; really one of the series best I think. Easily one of my Top 3 favorites of the season. Why? Because it was Michael based and I even liked the Jim and Pam storyline for the episode although I think them eating some of Phyllis’ and Bob’s food was not cute; it was actually really gross. Although considering what Bob and Phyllis did at the restaurant, Jim and Pam’s actions seem extremely mild.

I loved the opening to the episode so much. It gives a great example about the fact that Michael will go along with anything as long as he is being included. AAAAYYYYYYYYYY!
So everyone came together for Valentine’s Day in the office to celebrate (or not rather) being single. There is also a blood drive and Michael meets a woman who he has some playful banter with before he passes out and wakes up to find that she is gone but has left her glove behind accidently essentially leaving him with his own glass slipper. At least that is how he takes it. Michael and Holly are my favorite couple (well ex couple : ( ) on any show that I watch currently on TV. But if they were going to give Michael someone else to interact with for the episode I could not have been happier with who or what they came up with. Talk. About. Adorable.

I also really loved how everyone showed support for Michael at the end by sticking it out with him (yes, even Stanley) and walking him to his car. I thought it was really touching and goes to show that the office workers know to treat Michael differently than they would a normal person. I just really like how everyone came together for him. I really found the end and Michael’s optimism quite touching.

My other favorite part of the episode was Kevin and Lynn (?) I think that was her name. Soooo adorable. I really hope they keep with the story or at least allude to it because it is too cute to let go to waste.

Ok I do not care how stupid and redundant this review is. This was a really solid episode.

Favorite Parts:

-Oscar telling Michael about his breakup and Michael mistaking it for having a happy ending.

- Girl at Blood Drive to Michael: “You’re cute”

- Michael: “These people have to be protected from having love shoved into their faces”

- Kelly and Meredith bonding over ripping up the hearts and plastering the pieces on the wall.
Meredith also ripping the Cupid’s wings off and saying “Now it’s just a stupid baby”

- The entire scene with the Blood Drive woman and Michael.

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