Sunday, March 1, 2009

24: Season 7, Episode 8: 5:00-6:00pm

Season 7, Episode 10: "5:00-6:00pm"
Grade: A-/B+

- First of all Jon Cassar who is the brains behind the show, who Kiefer himself said the show could not be done without is exiting the show. Great. Just what we need. The question now becomes just how hard is this show going to suck when this goes into effect? Not will it suck; but how hard will it suck?

Wow so everything went down in this episode being the official end of the first portion of the season.

-Marika died. : ( That was sad but neccesary. She turned out to be pretty awesome the way she sacrificed herself.
-Not only was Sean bad but Erika was bad as well. I knew they were doing that for a reason but I had no idea it would be because they were both bad. And Sean killed Erika. Erika was a dumb ass. Seriously. And then Sean got caught. He is also an idiot.
-Chloe was able to save the file with all of the moles on it. I did not think they would get that and that this whole conspiracy thing would be solved already.
- The Renee/Jack conversation was insane and an incredible scene. She slaps him, brings up Teri then hugs him and then he says "Next time you pull your weapon on me you better intend to use it" and then she says "I did". Ooooooh. I love how this whole conflict came to a head but then settled down for what is sure to be an even bigger confrontation eventually.
-Dubaku is in critical condition. Another damn surgery corner.
-Ok so then we get the Tony-Jack scene which effectively sets up the second portion of the season. Great Tony/Jack scene. I wonder if Tony has any intention of turning himself in. I loved the way the scene was shot as well. Really incredible.
-Great episode in the way it effectively wrapped up everything yet left room for other things to happen and also set up what will be the next section of the season.


Anonymous said...

Sean killed Erika, not "Irene." ;D

Catherine said...

omg I'm an idiot. Whoops! : )