Friday, March 13, 2009

"Lost" Season 5, Episode 8: "La Fleur" Grade: B

Season 5, Episode 8:
"La Fleur" Grade: B

I know it has been a while since this episode aired so I do not know it as well as some other episodes of the show. So this will be a bit all over the place but bear with me as I attempt to jot down some observations.

-This episode was mainly focused on Sawyer and his evolution over the course of 3 years and his second chance at a life with his decision to settle down with Dharma Initiative instead of leaving the island on the submarine like he could have. I love where Sawyer is right now. I think it has set up a future dilemma with the return of Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid and Sawyer's attempts to be able to keep the life that he has and to not revert back to his old ways when trouble arises. I think his evolution from point A to point B is compeltely realistic and I say boo to the people that think he has lost his edge considering that its been what, one episode that we see him like this and that he is happy? Sorry that a character you supposedly like is actually happy. Fucking sadists. As for him being with Juliet, I am thrilled. Why am I thrilled? Because Juliet is the best female character on the show and someone who I think fits nicely with Sawyer. I think it shows more potential for them as a couple then it does for Kate and Sawyer because if Kate had been in Juliet's place she would have needed to leave at some point. I hate Kate and I am thrilled Sawyer has found someone he deserves and vice versa. Two things that suck about this though. One is that Juliet is about to get screwed over again with the return of Kate. Sawyer lying immediately to Juliet about the phone call is not a good sign. Two: They skipped the three years that Juliet and Sawyer and the others spent with Dharma. We skipped over all of Sawyer and Juliet's happy time! WIll we see flashbacks within these three years to see maybe some stuff they all learned about Dharma and maybe some other stuff with Sawyer and Juliet?

- We see Jin, Sawyer, Juliet and Miles in the three years later segments. We do not see Daniel. Where the hell was Daniel?

-Jin must have learned perfect English at this point and also must be best buds with Sawyer at this point. YAY!!!

- Where are Rose and Bernard? I mean tthey are not my favorite characters but I do care about them and want to know what happened to them.

-We basically saw the 4 toed statue from behind!!! What is it? Its Egyptian but from the back of it there are many figures it could be. Does this mean that the island was once home to an ancient Egyptian civilzation?? Who knows at this point.

- So we have Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Sayid, Miles, Jin, Juliet and Daniel in 1977 and Frank, Sun, Ben, Locke, Caesar and Ilana in some other unspecified future time. I have no idea, absolutely no idea where the second story is going to go. I cannot even venture a guess and it makes me so excited.

-So Horace is now with new character Amy a.k.a Michelle Dessler from 24!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! I love that Michelle is on this show. She is fantastic.

-However Horace being with Amy begs the question; what happened to Olivia?

-Loved the Richard Alpert eyeliner reference.

-"Thanks anyway Plato"

-How did Sawyer and company manage to become a part of Dharma?

-How was Horace able to say within 5 minutes of meeting Sawyer that he's "not Dharma material"?

-I loved Sawyer's speech about forgetting Kate's face. Because the viewers need to be able to fully grasp that its been longer than the entire 4 seasons put together that these people have been in Dharma. We need to be able to fully grasp how truly long it is because its hardly been anytime for us. It worries me if they will be able to treat the time jump in a way that works. I want to feel it has been 3 years for these people. Lots has probably happened. But Sawyer saying he could not remember Kate's face was so needed in that it really has been that long.
-Favorite Moment:

Daniel sees Charlotte as a child. Wow that was heartbreaking. I worry about Daniel. Between the state we last saw him in and the fact that we have not seen him in the 3 years later segments worries me.

Ok so that is pretty much it for this week. There are many more thoughts I did have but cannot remember right now. So until next week!

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