Friday, March 20, 2009

Curb Your Enthusiasm: Season 1, Episode 2: "Ted and Mary"

Curb Your Enthusiasm:
Season 1, Episode 2: “Ted and Mary”
Grade: 7.3

While I did not laugh a lot during this episode, it was still extremely enjoyable. Larry’s interactions with the shoe salesman were really very funny and his interaction with the man who took his shoes was priceless. I was completely on Larry’s side with both of those situations. His attempts to worm himself into Mary Steenburgen’s life was a little awkward but she was so nice she did not notice. The image of Larry and Cheryl sitting on the couch listening to Paul Simon was pathetic and funny. Also portraying Ted Danson as a little off is quite amusing. The best moment of the episode along with the encounter with the man who took Larry’s shoes was Larry’s reaction when he realized he took a sip from Mary’s mother’s glass of water. Awwwkkkwwaard. So yeah not as good as the first one but still entertaining throughout with the perfect amount of awkwardness.


- Shoe Salesman: I am not a shoe whore!
Larry: I didn't accuse you of being a shoe whore!

- Larry: (on Ted Danson) Everything's "heaven" with him. The comment if he had a piece of gum, "I'm in heaven." - Had to taste a chocolate bar, "oh, oh, I'm in heaven." The parking space is "heaven."

- Mary's Mother: Your wife must be very proud of you.
Larry: No, she's not.
Mary's Mother: She's not?
Larry: Not even a little bit.

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