Monday, April 13, 2009

South Park: Season 13, Episodes 3, 4, 5

South Park
Season 13, Episode 3: “Margaritaville”
Grade: 8.3
The reason I liked this episode so much was because it focused on the kids with a heavy dose of Randy who is my favorite adult on the show that is if you can call him an adult. Basically everybody listens to Randy’s advice which is to live in an ancient like society where economy barely even exists. Kyle thinks this is the opposite of what everyone should be doing and pretty soon he has followers as Kyle becomes a Christ like figure. Stan spends the episode trying to get rid of a Margaritaville that his dad bought which eventually takes him to the United States Treasury where he discovers that they base their decisions on a decapitated chicken that runs around on a board with their options on it. Cartman wants to deliver Kyle to Randy because he wants the new Grand Theft Auto game.

I thought that the episode had a great balance of having the episode focus on the kids a lot but also on the adults and at the same time giving a great reading of the economic crisis through the shows lens. My favorite stuff of the episode was basically everything involving Stan and Randy. The chicken reveal was the best part of the episode. The best scene was probably the recreation of the Last Supper with Cartman as Judas and the way he handles the news that someone will betray Kyle, knowing it was himself. It has been a while since I have seen it but I remember loving it.

Season 13, Episode 4:“Eat, Pray, Queef”
Grade: 7.4
This is a hard one to judge because everyone is so split on it. For one, I was basically laughing my ass off the entire episode which many parts leading me to consistent tears in my eyes from laughter and often times leaving me unable to catch my breath. Some people think this is the worst episode of “South Park” or one of the worst. If this is the worst episode of “South Park” well, then that’s pretty damn incredible.

I find the toilet humor on this show to be hilarious. I have no idea why but on this show for whatever reason, toilet humor amuses me here and nowhere else. The problems I had with it are that queefing is not nearly as common as farting and so the concept of it cannot hold up too well but I guess that is a stupid complaint to have about “South Park”. The other problem is that Terence and Philip are funny but not funny enough to carry such a huge chunk of the episode. I wanted to see more of the kids. And the “Sideways” parody was funny but it went on for far too long and I feel that it went over a lot of people’s heads because the movie came out 5 years ago and its pop culture stamina is somewhat strong but not that strong. Those are my complaints.
You will notice that the toilet humor used in the episode is not a complaint. Yes there was too much of it so it got repetitive but whatever. The reason this episode is good is because of the argument it makes for feminism. The case it makes, although it uses a disgusting example of it, it completely accurate. The women are not allowed to queef or to find it funny because women basically have to be a certain way for men and seem a certain way for men in order to keep up a specific appearance for them. Women are not allowed to be gross and the double standard is ridiculous. And I find it funny that a lot of the men who watched the episode did not seem to understand at all what it was trying to say. I’ve read a lot of reviews of this one because of the debate it sparked and so many men hate the episode while most of the good reviews I read came from women. Basically what I find is that if some of the men watching the episode cannot understand what the episode was doing than all the more reason it should exist.

Best parts:

-Butters reaction to the girl queefing on him
- The “Road Warrior” queef
- Martha Stewart
- Cartman on the phone

Season 13, Episode 5: “Fishsticks”
Grade: 8.1
Really great episode. This has to do with it being so kid heavy which I love. They also managed to rip apart Kanye West and Carlos Mencia. They really nailed Kanye’s whole schtick but they probably spent too much time on him overall. I just love how he could not let the issue drop and thus it got bigger and bigger. Mencia though they exposed for the plagiarist unfunny hack that he is. The fact that anyone could ever even crack a smile when he says anything sickens me to my core. So to see him be treated the way he was in this episode was a treat.

The Fishsticks joke was so funny precisely because it was so damn stupid. I really enjoyed Kanye being like House and trying to connect why someone would call him a gay fish by listing out his and gay fishes traits on the dry erase board.

My favorite thing about this episode though was Cartman and Jimmy. Cartman’s increasingly exaggerated versions of what really happened with the joke were just too funny. I love that this is what is going on in his head and this is how he sees the world and that he thinks Jimmy is the delusional one by the end of the episode. My favorite part of maybe this season so far though has got to be the moment when Jimmy’s mom kills the black widow spider and he says “Thank you. You might have saved my life”. Trust me it is so much funnier within the context of the show. OMG hilarious.

And of course the Gay Fish song at the end which parodies West’s “Heartless” was extremely amusing. West’s solution to everything to listen all too literally to what people are saying to him leading him to believe that he is in fact a gay fish.

Season 13 in Order So Far:
1. 13.1: “The Ring”
2. 13.3: “Margaritaville”
3. 13.5: “Fishsticks”
4. 13.4: “Eat, Pray, Queef”
5. 13.2: “The Coon

1 comment:

Very Special Events said...

I'll comment on 13.4 'Eat Pray Queef' as it carries a strong message that the double-standard that females aren't supposed to engage in humors similar to males is competely invalid, and the fact that females have a way to express humor in a way men can't is no reason for males to feel jealous or oppressive toward women. At the same time the show conveys the truth that women should not be ashamed of their ability to queef, it's a healthy phenomenon. Go to Youtube and take a look at a channel called triedandtrue232 and also a channel called dzemergency. Some great examples and representations of the queef there and your feedback on those are encouraged.