Monday, April 20, 2009

Dollhouse: Season 1, Episode 9: "Spy in the House of Love"

Season 1, Episode 9: “Spy in the House of Love”
Grade: 8.7

Wow. This is a great episode. Using a plot told from each Actives perspective this could have been really overdone and hacky. However it is glorious. We learn so much here.
Mellie: First revelation: We see Paul find out that Mellie is an Active and not only an Active but a sleeper agent. She goes back to thinking she is Mellie while Ballard now gets the fascinating task of pretending she is not an Active and trying to act normal. The first great scene of the night.

Sierra: While essentially this does not end up really doing much for the episode we got to see Sierra basically be in an episode of “Alias” complete with awesome heels and wig. I would so much rather watch Sierra do this than Echo. Sierra is my third favorite character after Adelle and Saunders. Fourth would be Boyd.

Victor: ADELLE IS MISS LONELYHEARTS!!! How depressing is that? But also how freaking great is it for her character? Seeing her cry at the end of the portion and then seeing the way she reacts to what happens in front of people makes her so fascinating to me. I also just really like how we see the day that Adelle plans for Victor and herself. This whole section just completely knocked me for a loop. Williams does such a great job in this episode.

Echo: We see Echo voluntarily offer to be imprinted as she speaks to Topher which is really quite surprising as well and not something I expected to happen. She interviews everyone about why they are at the Dollhouse and we learn some very interesting slight insights into particularly Saunders who never leaves the place. It turns out Mr. Dominic is the spy although I’m a bit confused as to whether or not there are more than one. Still a little confused about his motivations and such but whatever, a lot of things about this show confuses me. It all leads up to us seeing what The Attic specifically is which is not real surprise outside of the fact that the whole process is much more disturbing than it might have been. Then we get in my opinion the greatest moment of the series so far: Adelle getting nicked by a bullet and literally not reacting at all and staying for the Attic process as she bleeds through her shirt. Adelle in this scene has been my favorite part of the series thus far. Until Friday…

Sorry in particular these review suck. Dollhouse has a lot going on which I do not normally catch and this plus it being a while since I have seen it makes these reviews pretty difficult outside of the basics.

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