Monday, April 13, 2009

The Simpsons: Season 2, Episodes 1, 2, 15

Season 2, Episode 1: “Bart Gets an F”
Grade: 8.4

I saw this a long time ago so this review will be very short. Again this proves that the early Simpsons episodes struck a balance between comedy and sincere and charming sentimentalism that is sorely missed from today’s television animation. My favorite stuff was:
- Anything involving Martin and his short descent into rebellion.
- Homer and Bart each hearing a succession of “blahs” when they listen to adults was really good.
- Bart’s presentation on Treasure Island.
- Otto explaining why staying back is not so bad.
- The fact that the happy ending involved Bart getting a D-

Season 2, Episode 2: “Simpson and Delilah”
Grade: 7.5

Good episode. Homer’s reaction to having his hair and then his reaction to losing is again were the best parts of the episode. Homer watching the trivia game with Bart and Lisa and getting every question horribly wrong was a highlight.

Season 2, Episode 15: “Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?”
Grade: 7.7

Another one I watched a long time ago. Danny DeVito voices Homer’s half brother that he never knew he had. Solid. Not amazing but solid. There was very little of the supporting character in the episode which was a little disappointing but they cannot all have all the characters in it. The car that Homer comes up with is so ridiculous which is why it is so funny.

1 comment:

Rains said...

Nice review about a great show!!!
Have you ever saw this show. If no then come here and Download The Simpsons tv show with all episodes. And also collect dvds of the show...