Curb Your Enthusiasm: Season 1, Episode 9: “Affirmative Action”:
Grade: 9.2
Grade: 9.2
It’s getting ridiculous how good this show is. This would be my second favorite episode of the series thus far. I believe this is the last of the episodes I had seen before. It’s been such a long time since I have watched all of the episodes I am going to review so I apologize again for this being so awful. Basically there was no part of the episode I did not like. In fact each scene was hilarious for various reason all leading up to Larry getting thrown out of the pharmacy for trying to bribe the pharmacist. This episode also features a hilarious usage of the Psycho theme and has some of the most awkward moments I’ve seen on the show thus far. Larry making the affirmative action joke in the first place and having to explain it to the dermatologists guests. Again it’s been a while since I have seen it but I remember lots of it clearly. Yet I do not feel like going into it because I have so many other damn episodes to review.
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