Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Season 6, Episode 13: “Dead Things”
Grade: 8.0
Grade: 8.0
This is the episode that changes everything. The Trio dynamic changes completely and for the better I might add. Now we have clearly established positions that were very much evident before but are now solidified. Warren is the leader and Andrew is more enthusiastic than Jonathan is. They seriously are disgusting though. Seriously; sex slaves? What the fuck Is with these people? They are sickening and it’s so disturbing the lightness with which they take what they are doing. The way they decide to allow Buffy to take the fall for the murder was a bit stretchy but it ended up being something that brought out some really important issues.
Basically Buffy and Spike come to a head. They have a scene on a balcony inside of the Bronze where they have sex and it’s a pretty horrible scene because honestly I have never seen a more unrealistic depiction of sex in anything ever. They do it with all of their clothes on, she has pants on, nothing is unzipped and yet all of a sudden he is doing her from behind. It’s so lame. It’s interesting the way Spike treats her though He really goes out of his way to make her feel abnormal and perverted. But he does love her. Buffy beats the shit out of Spike is a great scene where she almost turns herself in before figuring out that Warren killed her. It’s an extremely intense scene. The other scene that completely stood out was the last scene of the episode in which Buffy confides to Tara about her relationship with Spike, breaks down when she finds out that she came back the same and begs Tara not to forgive her for it. Wow. Amazing performance from Sarah Michelle Gellar in this scene and in this episode in general.
I liked the interaction between Buffy and Dawn. Even though I’m not a big Dawn fan (I don’t hate her though) I do feel extremely bad for her. I know a lot of people think she is a big whiner and as we will see in the next episode she is, but seriously, nobody actually spends anytime with her and Buffy could not seem to give a shit about her. I really liked the scene when Buffy tells Dawn about what she did and that Buffy is willing to basically give Dawn up so that she can turn herself in.
Also Tara starts her period of awesomeness which lasts into the next episode as well where she is all sorts of awesome.
I wish I could write more about this episode but even this episode, I watched about 3 weeks ago.
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