Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Season 6, Episode 12: “Doublemeat Palace”
Grade: 7.2
Grade: 7.2
Call the presses! I actually enjoyed “Doublemeat Palace”. Some think this is a candidate for worst of the series. I think there are much worse episodes than this. I think it was going for a ery specifically off feel and I think it succeeded. I think people mistake this feel for a bad episode or for an unintentional feel. But I think it was intentional. It’s still not a great episode but it’s a curiously intriguing one. It is a very specific monotony.
I understand that she is going to desperate lengths to feel normal which is why she got the job at the Doublemeat Palace in the first place but seriously I do not see why that one bad experience at the Magic Box would totally turn her off from ever having to work there again. I don’t see why you would not want to work with your friends.
I enjoyed the stuff with Halfrek and Anya. I had not thought about the Anya/Xander stuff in these reviews because I cannot really remember much about what was going on between them besides the regular preparations for the wedding/anxieties they are going through. I had hears that a lot of people find the redundancy of the Xander/Anya stuff to be annoying but honestly I have found that it really does not disrupt the show that much and that it really does not take up that much time. Plus I really do like them a lot so I care about their stuff even if it is not as intense as a lot of the other stuff going on.
Buffy is definitely making some progress as is Willow at this point. Buffy decided that she does not want to die in “Gone” and now is taking an active interest in supporting herself and Dawn. Willow is still trying to get along with not having to do any magic but is succeeding. I like when Spike goes to visit Buffy at the Palace. I like when the other characters visit Buffy at her job as well. Honestly, fuck Amy. She’s so annoying. She has good comedic timing and I don’t mind the actress but I hate the character.
I also really liked Dawn saying that Buffy is never going to do anything important career wise because her career is slaying. She will always have a job that pays money that won’t be anything important.
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