Season 6, Episode 7: “Once More with Feeling”
Grade: 10
Grade: 10
What can be said about this episode that has not already been said? Like “The Body” there’s really not much to say because it’s just a work of perfection. I saw it years ago and it’s so nice to finally see it in context. Every single song is a knockout. Seriously. Even the Sweet song which I did not think I liked, I actually really like. The way the episode is not just a throwaway in plot is incredible. So much actually happens in this episode. Each song deals with the inner torment of the characters. Even though Willow gets nothing to sing because of Alyson Hannigan’s lack of a singing voice, it also unintentionally makes it really messed up that she has nothing to sing about. She sees no problems with anything she does. Buffy being forced to deal with her issues through song. The Disney-esque “Going Through the Motions” juxtaposed against the really depressing lyrics. “I’ve Got a Theory” rules. The ridiculousness of “The Mustard” and “The Parking Ticket” “Rest in Peace” gets slightly lame at times both in visuals and in music but it’s still pretty solid. I love how short Dawn’s song is; it’s like 10 seconds. It’s almost as if the show does not even respect Dawn’s lame inner emotions. “I’ll Never Tell” is a really light and fun way to expose the issues that won’t be so light when they come to a head. “Under Your Spell” is simultaneously romantic, beautiful, depressing and pornographic. The literalness of what Tara is singing and the fact that she has no idea that the song is literal is so sad. It such a beautiful song though and Amber Benson’s voice is absurdly stunning. “Standing” is a beautiful scene and even more beautiful is the “Under Your Spell/Standing” Reprise. Holy shit, Anthony Stewart Head and Amber Benson singing together is incredible. Willow’s reaction to Buffy being in heaven is amazing. “Walk Through the Fire” and “Something to Sing About” are songs I cannot even talk about because they are so perfect. I just cannot handle this episode and its brilliance. Tara figures out that Willow has made her forget, Spike explains his feelings for Buffy again, Giles decides he has to leave, Buffy tells everyone where she was and Buffy and Spike kiss. Insane stuff. The best thing about this episode is the absurd watch ability factor of it. I could watch it all day and not get bored. Incredible.
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