Sunday, April 19, 2009

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 6.4: "Flooded"

Season 6, Episode 4: “Flooded”
Grade: 7.3

I am so confused as to what to do with this episode. There are things I loved (anything and everything involving Giles who very well might come out of this series as being my favorite) and things I hated (slow pace, The Trio, The Trio, The Trio). So let’s start with the things I liked.

- While it could have been handled better I very much like that they are addressing the fact that Buffy needs to have a stable income and that they are bringing money issues into the show because it is very realistic.
- Anya being the one to figure out the state of Buffy’s financial situation
- Willow trying to purposely upset Buffy to get some emotion out of her. Willow does not want to do that for Buffy. She wants to do it for herself so she can feel that what she did was right. What a selfish bitch.
- Giles and his return were the highlight of this episode. His reunion with Buffy, his conversation with Buffy. Him trying to reach out to her and her rejecting it. Everything.
- One of my favorite scenes in this series ever was the one with Willow and Giles. We have never seen them clash like this and Giles is absolutely furious over what she did to Buffy. She is ridiculously arrogant and the way she talks about how cool the spell was is really messed up. While I do not think Willow would have gotten to a point where she would have said “Maybe it’s not such a good idea for you to piss me off”, it was such an intense moment that I didn’t even care about whether or not she was at that stage yet. I just love how pissed off Giles is because seriously, he should be. Also Willow and Giles have always had a special bond and to see it crumble like this is very substantial. He lost respect for her because of what she did.
- Spike and Buffy’s conversation on the back porch.
- Love the end with Buffy going off to see Angel.

The Bad:
- First of all I had read this comment somewhere and I am totally in agreement. If Tara and Willow live there shouldn’t they offer to get jobs as well instead of leaving Buffy to figure out the money problems? They live there now and it should be just as much their responsibility. That is such a ridiculous plot hole that carries throughout the season it seems and it’s just absurd.
- I thought that the whole money issue thing with her getting a loan could have been handled better. I was pretty bored by the whole M’Fashnik thing.
- My big issue with the episode was the introduction of The Trio. I know we are going to be seeing a lot of them and I am not excited about it. They had so much screen time in this episode. So much. Andrew is ok. The other 2 I hate. Hate hate hate hate hate. I hate Johnathan and I hate Warren. I don’t think they are funny. At all. I find that I feel like I need to take a shower when I see a scene with them. They are disgusting sexist misogynistic pigs. All they care about is objectifying women and porn and sex slaves and its sick. I know the show is not sympathizing with them but at the same time it’s supposed to be funny how obsessed they are with it all and how completely undersexed they are because they are all geeks but to me it’s not funny; it’s sick. Their bantering annoys me and actually makes me ashamed to be a geek. I like the concept of the Trio and it really has nothing to do with the actors although I just find that they go waaaay over the top with it. I know they try and its nothing against them in particular. And I like the idea of these villains being human and the motivation behind their goals is interesting and it’s a different spin on things. But I am just not a fan. I cannot wait for Warren to get flayed. Color me excited.

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