Season 6, Episode 2: “Bargaining Part 2”
Grade: 6.0
Grade: 6.0
- Xander questioning what Willow went through and what just happened. Their scene by the tree was my favorite of the episode.
- Willow thinking the spell did not work.
- Buffy clawing out of her coffin.
- Buffy seeing the BuffyBot get ripped apart.
- Buffy’s interaction with the other Scoobies.
Buffy thinking she was in hell was pretty disturbing. However another of my problems with the episode was that this was one of the rare instances where I did not buy Sarah Michelle Gellar’s acting. It was a little much for me and parts of it felt slightly reminiscent of “Beer Bad”. Sorry folks. Another problem I have is that while I liked the scene with Dawn and Buffy atop the tower, I really cannot take Michelle Trachtenberg seriously when it comes to doing anything serious. I am 100% always aware that she is acting. And I wonder if people would have liked Dawn better if a different actress could have brought some serious acting skills to the table. Also the scene went on far too long.
Something I do like however is the immediate sign that protecting Dawn and being there for her is no longer Buffy’s priority at all. She is way too disconnected to even think about that.
Also Buffy’s face when Dawn hugs her is not what you would expect although I expected it because I know what happens. It’s still a powerful moment though and it is when you realize that things are not going to be the same.
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