“South Park” Season 12, Episode 12” Elementary School Musical
Grade: A-
Another hilarious episode containing some of the funniest bits I’ve seen in a while. All of the kids become obsessed with high school musical except for the main characters and they vow to never sing and dance because the school has taken to randomly breaking out into song and dance. The funny thing about this episode is that the songs in it are very spot on as to what High School Musical songs sound like, the choreography is spot on as are the lyrics. These songs were created in a fraction of the time that the actual HSM songs were done and it is hilarious that they can basically pull off what the HSM songs do in s self deprecating way in a fraction of the time. Obviously a lot of work goes into those movies but it was funny to see it being done in such a short amount of time.
Another amusing aspect was the switch around of the father who does not want his son to become a basketball player and wants him to sing as opposed to the father who wants his son to play a sport as opposed to dancing.
I thought there was a bit too much with Mr. Queermo slapping people but since it was funny and a couple of times hilarious it was not a big deal.
But my favorite parts were when they are all watching High School Musical to see what the hype is about and Cartman says:
"Well, I'm out guys. If this is what's cool now, I think I'm done. I no longer have any connection to this world. I'm gonna go home and kill myself. Goodbye, friends."
(the next morning)
Cartman: (walks into class and sighs)
Kyle: What happened? I thought you were gonna kill yourself?
Cartman: I tried - went to sleep in my mom's car in the garage with the engine turned on.
Stan: But you didn't die?
Cartman: Freakin' hybrids, man. They just don't do the job anymore.
Another part that made me laugh out loud for a considerable length of time was what Cartman would do every time Scott Malkinson would talk. He would say something to the effect of “I’m Scott Malkinson. I have a lisp and diabetes. I’m Scott Malkinson. Omg freaking hilarious.
Overall this was an episode that I was completely entertained with from start to finish once again showing us a perception of things in a way that makes us see things more clearly even if we are doing so through a cartoon show. Very impressive and hilarious.
Here’s a link to when they watch the movie: http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/210218/
And here’s a Scott Malkinson clip: http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/210225/
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