Grade: B
Well this week’s Office took some interesting turns. Lots that I thought would last a while ended tonight. Let’s get into it.
Wow. Jim and Pam. That took an interesting turn. But in a way that sort of upsets me. First of all now I have to deal with Pam on a regular basis. So that will be fun again. Except not. Second of all the whole spiel I went into discussing how this could potentially force Jim to rethink what he wants to do is now scrapped. So do Pam and Jim plan on working at Dunder Mifflin for the rest of their lives? It looks like it. Wow that’s so exciting... We were never given any indication that Pam did not like graphic design. I felt it was a cheap move by the writers to get Pam back into Scranton without any lead up to it. So I was disappointed with that. I did like the scene when Pam called Jim up about her classes. It was well done by both John and Jenna.
I was sad that Kelly and Ryan got back together because we’ve seen this before and I don’t want to see it again.
I want Andy to break up with Angela. I want him to be the one. I loved the stuff with Andy and Oscar tonight. Definitely a highlight of the night. It was a different and interesting subplot that was refreshingly random. Oscar laughing as Andy called Angela was hilarious.
But the highlight of the episode was Michael’s storyline. I understand that Pam coming back was important enough to end the episode with but I am sick of the writers putting the Jim and Pam stuff at the end of the episode. It constantly puts down the importance of Michael’s story. The placing of Jim and Pam at the end of episodes more often than not reflects the story that the fans care about the most and it’s disappointing. This week Michael had a significant moment. His story was compelling and moving but it gets overshadowed by the two of them. Michael’s phone call to David at the end of the episode was probably my favorite moment of the season thus far. I really love that it is taking Michael so long to get over Holly. He was excited about the trip because he thought it would help him forget and to get a rebound girl. It was perfect in a moment when Michael is looking for distraction; unfortunately it worked out differently. I was also very interested in the way that Michael was used in the episode and how that affected him and left him completely hurt. I was also surprised that Michael managed to get laid but he did. I feel so badly for Michael. I want him to be happy and I don’t think Toby coming back next week is going to make him very happy.
Overall my favorite moment of the season thus far, with great great Michael, Andy and Oscar stories and an annoying rehash of an already told story (Ryan and Kelly) and a wasted opportunity passes by with the Jim and Pam story as the only things I was interested in (Pam’s career and potential existentialist Jim issues) are scrapped and it’s back to not so good old Jim and Pam of Dunder Mifflin. Goodbye all. I am going to go off and ponder if there was any point at all of Pam going off to art school.
Favorite Moments:
Oscar laughing when Andy calls Angela
Michael's phone conversation
Stanley and Phyllis looking at Jim and his reaction
Michael putting the coat over Meredith's head
Dwights reaction to Pam being back
Andy and Oscar in general
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