Gossip Girl: Season 2, Episode 11: “The Magnificent Archibalds”
Grade: B
This week’s episode of “Gossip Girl” started out pretty boring I must say but by the end I managed to be interested in basically everything that was going on in some way. Sorry it takes me a while to get to this show but it is low on my priority list of things at the moment. I’ll do a rundown.
Blair and her annoyance with her mother and Cyrus is at once entertaining but also annoying and repetitive. She needs to do something else at this point. Next week it looks like she will.
Serena and Aaron are stupid and annoying but I did not hate their storyline nearly as much as the week before so that was nice. Dan clearly is still not over Serena as much as he’d like to think he is. I think we all knew this though. Why would you give your folder to someone? Yes it contains all of the bad stuff but who the hell knows what else it might contain. Stuff maybe she forgot about? Not big information but just things that are unnecessary viewing for someone else.
So bad Jenny is gone. Couldn’t you tell from the absence of heavy makeup? I guess I’m sort of happy about this but honestly it was hilariously entertaining and I am sort of mourning its loss in a guilty pleasure way.
The highlight for me was Eric and his discovery of the files. I don’t know why it was so interesting to me. I think it was just because I really like Eric a lot and we do not see all that much of him.
Nate’s story was good this week and probably the other highlight for me. It was nice to see Chuck and Vanessa come together to help Nate out and for him to make a decision. Seeing Chuck and Nate make up at the end was satisfying.
Wow Vanessa. Harsh move taking those letters. Wow. I cannot believe she did that. Why would you want to be with someone knowing they are with you because they could not get a hold of someone else and the reason for that is because you prevented it from happening? I cannot understand why that would be okay for someone. Vanessa is a tricky one.
So that’s it. My episode reviews for this show are not intense, merely a very short very informal overview of stuff.
So next episode is when the much awaited death occurs. I already know who it is but I will not spoil it for anyone.
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