Grade: 8.9
Janice is now on a power trip after Renee’s suspension, Chloe being detained and Sean and Irene being moles. She takes a great deal of pride by being Moss’ number 2 person that he can trust.
My issue with the episode lies with the fact that Jonas Hodges has a very unoriginal motivation for doing what he’s doing. It seems that sacrificing lives for the great good so that America can understand that terrorism is a legitimate threat and thus giving Starkwood a ton of power. Boring. Seriously I wanted something totally wacked out and crazy with Hodges’ motivations but it seems like it is the same as all of the Americans that help out in the destruction of the country on this show. Either way I still find Jon Voight to be an interesting and compelling villain.
Morris agreed to trade helping Moss with Chloe’s immunity. Honestly I think he made the right decision. I think that he held out as long as he could and that even considering letting his wife sit in jail for 15 years so that he could buy Jack some time shows his loyalty to Jack even if he ended up making the deal. Does Chloe know that Bill is dead yet? Does anybody on this show seem to care that Bill is dead besides Jack?
The Olivia and Ethan story made great headway tonight and I’ll say right now that there is no way in hell that she did not leak that story. The look on her face said it all. It sucks to see how quickly Ethan can lose his cool when dealing with Olivia and does not bode well for the future. I think Ethan might be my favorite new character of the season. I am finding that I care very much about him. Olivia on the other hand is a huge wench. Holy crap she is evil. I do not think that taking her idea and incorporating it into the speech was a good idea but I understand that President Taylor wants to show that she appreciates her daughters input but with an important speech such as this one that will set the tone for the country’s state of mind and be something that analysts will most likely dissect to no end I do not think this was the proper time to listen to Olivia. It looks like on next week’s show Ethan will resign which meant that the story will move along much more quickly than I had anticipated. I am so interested in this storyline.
Renee helped Jack out and Moss knows Renee so well that he immediately figured it out. Nice job Moss even though you are a moron. Now Renee is in holding instead of Chloe. Its musical holding room chairs everyone!
The most interesting stuff going on in this episode had to do with Jack. I thought that his conversations with Senator Mayer might have been my favorite stuff of the season so far. He opened up to Senator Mayer about his actions and about losing his family. They have been sprinkling Kim’s name or “my daughter” in spots throughout the season to foreshadow her return for the last 4 episodes. He mentioned Teri : (. They worked together on a common cause. The Senator admitted that Jack was onto something and that even though they still disagree about a lot of stuff he believed that Jack was being framed and was willing to help him out so that he could dig further into his lead. He even called him “Son”!!!!!!!!!!! Omg I almost cried! And then…Senator Mayer took a few bullets in the chest by the infamous John Quinn. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I actually gasped out loud for the first time this season. I have no idea why I did not see this coming. Why would the police wait for 2 minutes for someone to answer the door? Why would someone who has a heart to heart and could help Jack’s situation actually survive for more than an episode? Why did I not think of this? I seriously was so caught up in the conversation that I had no idea what was going to happen. But why would Jack not look out the window or realize this? Why does he sometimes turn into a moron? This was so depressing. I am actually quite devastated to lose Senator Mayer because of the rapport the two of them had built up in the episode. And it makes Jack look like he’s on a killing spree! How can he clear his name on this one?
Then Jack leads Quinn into this little trailer office thing and knock it over with a fucking bulldozer. How awesome can this show get sometimes? Ok and then Bauer and Quinn have a knock down drag out fight; easily one of the top 5 fights in this shows history. This was sick. Jack throws a fucking screwdriver into his chest and then whacks him in the head with a fricking
board. Classic 24. So anyways now Jack is on the run and as if this episode could not be any more satisfying on a quality 24 level, Jack calls Tony for help to meet him at the dock. Jack and Tony working together!! I have no idea why it took him this long to call Tony. I thought it would be the first person he’d call. Also what was it that Tony wanted to say to Jack before he had to hang up? Hmmm.. All questions for next week’s hopefully a fraction as good as this week’s 24. Until then…
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