Wednesday, March 25, 2009

24: Season 7, Episode 15: "10:00-11:00pm"

24: Season 7, Episode 15: 10:00-11:00pm
Grade: 7.8

Really solid episode. Not as good as last week’s but it is still keeping up with that momentum. I did not expect Ethan to resign that early in the episode and I have actually decided that Ethan is the character that I am the most attached to at this point in the show. Obviously I am more attached to Jack but honestly right now I care more about Ethan than I do about Tony. Tony while I still love him just is not the same anymore. Ethan however has been nothing but a decent man and since I also know Bob Gunton from "Greg the Bunny" I am more inclined to side with anyone who appeared on that show. The scene with him and the President was my favorite of the episode and it was right in the beginning. They took the time to make us understand how deep their friendship goes and that they truly care for each other as people as well. I hope we see him soon because I don’t want to lose that character. And besides we don’t want President Taylor being left with...Olivia!!

God what an awful woman. Of course she leaked the story. Did anyone actually think she didn’t? Her conversation with Ethan was full of smugness as Ethan tried to give her some genuine advice while simultaneously seeing through her bullshit. I do not see how she can think blaming Ethan could actually be a good thing. And how is she going to cover herself once the story does leak? And since Moss basically believes Jack right now, it will not be long before they can prove that Jack is not to blame for the killings and since Jack will undoubtedly save the day it will be interesting to see how Olivia can handle dealing with the fact that Ethan made the right decision and that she has to cover her ass. We saw Henry again!!!!!! He is recovering (of course) and somehow someway these people do not realize they have an evil daughter and are actually excited to have her on the administration. Yeah...because that is going to go well.

No Janice or Chloe or Morris this week.

We saw some stuff with Hodges but honestly after a while I zoned out except for the part where I heard the line about being six and needing to eat carrots.

So Jack was exposed to the biochemical. Will anything actually come of this or is it just a one hour story to kill time? I feel like they are going somewhere with it otherwise it would not be in there randomly unless it was going to take a decent length of time to get the results like with Michelle circa Season 3. So because of this I am a little worried. I have a feeling he won’t have long to live. A couple of years at the most. This is my prediction. I think this episode marks the beginning of the end for Jack Bauer.

Jack and Tony working together again was fun. Although I do not understand why Tony did not have a scene when we deal with Bill being dead. Jack seems to be the only character who has had to deal with this death and it is ridiculous. I mean Tony is basically unemotional at this point so he would probably have an underwhelming reaction but Bill still deserves for the audience to see the characters finding out. How about when Tony was crouching down in the episode and Jack come up behind him to join him and he has a machine gun in his hand? Hilarious.

Tony has gotten cynical about life as we can see (as if we did not know that already), but we see that Jack may have something left in him leaning towards compassion for the individual. He risked everything for this guy and we see that Jack is still capable risking everything for one as opposed to sacrificing one in comparison with all. I hated how they handled that character though. I hate on "24" when they try to get us to care about someone in 30 seconds by giving them some sort of backstory. But I do not give a shit about the person. "I have a wife who is pregnant with twins!" And? Who cares? I hate those characters on this show.

Oh and there was a satisfying shootout in the episode as well. Always fun.

So anyways a really decent episode. Until next week!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dollhouse: Season 1, Episode 6: "Man on the Street"

Season 1, Episode 6“Man on the Street”
Grade: 8.2

Wow. What a great episode. Its not something that completely blew me away but by “Dollhouse” standards this was a vast improvement from the other episodes giving us multiple intriguing storyline, minimal Topher, more plot development than the previous 5 episodes combined and many many new things to consider. Yay for episodes written by Joss Whedon. Easilt the best of the series so far.
The episodes bookends or rather interspersed segments involve an expose that is being done on the myth of the Dollhouse in which people on the street were asked what they feel about the myth. A lot of the responses were done by bad actors who sort of took me out of the proceedings but overall the questionable morality of the organization went under some scrutiny with the interviewees and we got to hear many different perspectives on the matter by random people.
Casting Patton Oswalt was a great touch. He is cooler than cool and I thought he brought a slight sense of humor with him as well as a weirdly touching story. The story behind his engagement was unique and it reminds us how much room there is on this show to come up with more interesting stories behind the engagements that feel as fully fleshed out as this one did. Oswalt does a great job with the material here bringing a memorable one time character that I feel left a mark on the show. Eliza is not in much of this episode but she does a good job as Rebecca, the internet mogul’s fake wife. Her “porn” outburst felt truly Whedon like in its humor. I did not expect Ballard to make such strides in his case this early into the episode but soon enough Echo is taken out of the situation by Boyd and Ballard talks to Oswalt about the Dollhouse. The conversation with Ballard and Oswalt built up this idea that Ballard is obsessed with Caroline in a sexual way. It was pretty unsubtle if they are heading in that direction.

I’ll talk about the Sierra storyline now. Basically she has been raped by someone in the Dollhouse but were do not know who. Victor was suspected and even though she screamed when he talked to her and he apparently “pretends they are married” whatever that means, I knew it was not him. Boyd figures out that it was Laurence and sets up a trap for him. I really liked the way this issue was addressed because it no doubt is something given the situation that we would have to deal with at some time. Adele instead of really punishing the handler, sends him out to kill Mellie, Ballard’s now lover. I have no idea what her motivations are here for anything because as he is choking her (great scene by the way with the use of opera), the phone rings and Adele is on the machine activating Mellie to kill the handler. She is an Active. I figured she might be based on the casting changes that the show had announced, and I knew something was wrong with her, basically that she was annoying but anyways. It was a really great scene.

Before all of this with Mellie, Ballard and her had sex and now they have a relationship I guess. I think its funny and a little ridiculous that he would so easily give up all of this information that he knows about the case to someone who he really only casually knew before he slept with her. But anyways, he goes out to bring them back Chinese food and meets Echo who has been assigned to kill Ballard because he knows too much. They have a frigging awesome fight scene. Seriously its so good and then we learn that someone inside the organization is working to bring Dollhouse down, that its not Alpha or the FBI, that he needs to let them win to eventually beat them, etc. I have no idea what the hell is going on here but I read a theory that someone on LJ write and I am going to have to jump on that bandwagon and say that Adele is the one inside the agency who fucked with the imprint. Why? Well while the person with the theory has a lot of evidence that might lead to her being the answer my evidence is that I have no idea why she does anything that she does on this show. Why is Echo still around? Why send specifically Echo to kill Ballard? Why send Laurence to kill Mellie and to then activate her to kill him in return? Why keep Ballard alive? Why send Victor to fuck with Ballard? Nothing she does makes any sense at all. So I am sticking with that person’s great theory.
Ballard turns in his badge because of the officer that was shot which he now has to take the blame for. Victor likes Sierra still. Echo knew her engagement was not finished because of the painting. Myner got to have his engagement. We learn there are 20 Dollhouses all over the world. We learn that the Dollhouses’ purposes go deeper than what is on the surface. So many interesting plot strands were started in this episode and the continuing ones were continued. Until next week which looks to be good as well...

Lost: Season 5, Episode 9: "Namaste"

Season 5, Episode 9: “Namaste” Grade: 8.2

First of all let me just say that I think the thing I liked most about this episode was the way it felt. The 70's vibe, all of the characters having to interact in a different and discreet way, the outfits, the music, having Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid see Sawyer and company living a different life and having our characters interact with different characters from Lost lore such as Pierre Chang and little Ben Linus was just so completely weird. But in a really great way. It’s the feeling I’ve always gotten from anything involving 70's Dharma. Just a creepy surreal feel. And this amplified that feeling quite a bit. Overall while not a lot seemed to happen (which is still saying that more happened in this episode than in single episodes of most tv shows) this episode was more about setting the stage for the rest of the season and setting in that strange feeling that the situation gives off.

While I said they have found a way to keep a slight character focus in each episode they had none here.

Going through the episode we can see a lot of the predicaments that the show is setting up. I love Hurley and Sawyer, so to see their reunion was adorable. Even Jack and Sawyer seemed happy to see each other. The happiness between the characters was short lived though as we will see later. I love how the characters basically accepted that it was the 70's pretty quickly. These people will believe anything at this point. I mean while they have little time to process that information, they still have little reaction outside of Hurley’s “uh...what?” Sawyer essentially works his ass off the entire day to unsure that the three of them are able to be accepted into Dharma, by getting their names on the manifest for the submarine that was coming in that day, the last one for 6 months.

I loved Jin’s reaction to hearing Sun was on the plane. Immediately left. The immediacy was adorable.

We meet Radzinsky, creator of the Hatch Door Map and the Swan, he worked with Kelvin Inman in the Hatch typing in the numbers before he killed himself leaving Inman alone to type them in until of course Desmond arrived. So that was interesting. I wonder how much more of the show he will be in.

We learn that Amy’s baby was Ethan. So it looks like more than one (Ben) survived the eventual purge that was to happen years later. Juliet’s reaction to the baby being Ethan was priceless. When you stop to actually think about that, Juliet holding a baby that she knows as a grown up, knows what happens to them etc, it so bizarre, contributing to the many bizarre aspects of this episode which makes it so good.

So Sayid got the shit end of this deal. Really and truly. While Jack, Kate and Hurley are stuck in the most insane situation, they should thank God that they are not in Sayid’s position. I really liked the way Naveen played this episode; its exactly what Sayid would do. He observed, stayed silent, tried to figure things out in his head; the whole episode he just basically took mental notes. So Sayid is now considered a Hostile. This brings up a very interesting predicament. Sawyer is obviously going to do everything he can to get Sayid out of this situation. But I do not think he is going to risk what he has to do it. He will have to give up at a certain point pulling the “I did what I could” card. Jack will certainly not stand for this when the time comes and sparks will fly. But since Sayid seems to be on the run on the next episode judging by the summary, I guess we won’t have to witness that particular predicament.

On the way to the processing center, Sawyer tells Jack, Kate and Hurley that Daniel told him some theories about what is possible and impossible after time traveling and says that Faraday is no longer there. Well whoop de do. Awesome. Except not. I cannot wait to see where he is.

Can I just say how fucking cool it is that the guy who plays Phil is the one from Mulholland Drive in the masterpiece of a scene that is the diner scene? It just completely lends itself to the feeling of the episode.

Ok the Processing Center scene. Part of me was hoping Juliet would totally fuck Kate over and leave her hanging. But she did not. Whether purposely or accidentally she almost did though which gave me a “I’m calling the shots” vibe from Juliet that ruled whatever the intension was.

So Jack is inducted by Pierre Chang. Weirdest part of the episode. Jack will be doing janitorial work. This is so hilarious. Is Lost becoming a comedy?

The sense that we get from Jack, Kate and Hurley is that they are going to have a really tough time just sitting around. I definitely feel bad for their predicament. If you think about it, Jack and company have no idea why they are even back. We have no idea still why Kate and Hurley came and honestly thinking back its sort of hard to pinpoint why exactly Jack went. So now they are in the 70's working for Dharma and...doing what? They have no idea what their purpose is. And I would imagine their would be a big “Ok now what?” feeling of frustration, anger, confusion and impatience between them which you can already completely see is something that they are saddled with. Jack will have the hardest time and I will talk about that when we get to the scene between Jack and Sawyer which is now.

Juliet and Jack’s reunion was really sweet even if I don’t want them together. But his thinking that he had the wrong house was just a little amusing. Just a bit. Basically this scene has reignited the power struggle between Jack and Sawyer except this time Sawyer is calling the shots and Sawyer sure as hell makes sure that Jack understands that he is no longer in a position of power. Something I loved about the episode was how they really are driving home that fact that is has been 3 years. These people are different now. They are not the same people as before. The two groups of people have completely different priorities now. Sawyer and company want to keep their life that they have built and keep each other safe, including Jack and them. Jack and companies priority is well they don’t even have an idea. To figure out why they have been sent back I suppose. But their priority is certainly not to become comfortable living the Dharma lifestyle. The problem is that I understand where both Jack and Sawyer are coming from in this scene. Jack has no idea about anything that is happening so his frustration is valid. They have no idea why they came back and they are frustrated that they are out of the loop. Understandable. However Jack really has no right to criticize Sawyer for reading a book. Excuse me did he not just spend all day freaking working his ass off just so you could be safe within the community. I mean come on Jack, he’s been working all day risking everything just to make you guys safe so don’t insult him for sitting around at home reading after a long day’s work. He did all he could do at the moment. I understand where Sawyer is coming from as well and ultimately am on his side for this one even though I understand Jack’s frustration and impatience and even though Sawyer decided to go on a massive and sort of douche if not somewhat deserved power trip in this scene. Why should Sawyer have to give up everything for these people? He shouldn’t have to is the answer. I mean Jack is being stupid to begin with by visiting him at his house the first night. I understand his curiosity but hugging Juliet in the front door is ridiculous. So Sawyer takes the opportunity to tell him that Jack as a leader simply reacted to things and that he himself was a thinker and thinks through things and thus he is better or some such crap like that and blamed Jack for stuff that I honestly do not even think he is to blame for. I don’t know. It was schmucky even if he was in the right in terms of reacting to what Jack said and to the situation in general. So this has set up the two sides that we will have and it is going to be so interesting to see how this all plays out and quite uncomfortable since I love all of these characters except Kate and do not want to see them pitted against each other.

And then Sayid interacted with Little Ben Linus who is of course totally fascinated by the Others (since he thinks Sayid is one). I love the kid who plays little Ben; I think he is perfect so I am really excited to see how everyone interacts with him. It looks to me like Sayid has already figured out that its little Ben after hearing what his first name is and seeing what he looks like. So have Sawyer and co. already interacted with Ben? I hope we get answers to that. I really do.

On the 2007 front, we basically saw everything in between the events of the crash and Locke waking up. Frank landed the plane safely thanks to the partially built runway that the Others had apparently been building at some point. The big question I have is why did Sun not disappear with the rest of the Oceanic 6 and land on the correct island? I want an answer for that; if they just did it for plot purposes without giving an explanation I will be very upset. We learn that Caesar and Ilana have not met before and that Caesar is taking the Jack leadership role within this group of survivors. Sun follows Ben, Frank follows Sun, Ben is as creepy as is humanely possible not even trying to hide it anymore. Sun knocks Ben out before they are about to travel to the main island. I really do not think that this was the best idea just with how much Ben knows about the island. I really think Sun should have just gone with him and taken the chance. The smoke monster makes an unseen appearance and there are whispers and everything is abandoned and Christian Shepard appears competing with Ben for the Biggest Creeper Award. She asks where Jin is and he tells her to follow him. After a big lead up, Christian shows her a picture. Whoop de freaking doo. Talk about underwhelming. Oh well. Oh and apparently she has a bit of a journey ahead of her. WTF? What the hell is with Christian and these supposed journeys for people? God there is so much on this show that I cannot wait to be explained.

Overall this was a great episode, but not mainly because of the content, which was good, but ultimately was more set up than anything, but for the feel of the episode and they way that they did set up the predicaments and the next portion of the season in an intriguing way. Anyways...until next week’s “He’s Our You”...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dexter: Season 1, Episode 1: "Pilot"

Dexter Season 1, Episode 1: “Pilot”
Grade: 7.4

I watched this a while ago so I might be sketchy about some of the details. First of all my intense love for Michael C. Hall has immediately reemerged with beginning this series. I loved him as David Fisher on “Six Feet Under”. I literally had an obsession with him culminating in my meeting him at the stage door after seeing him in “Chicago” on Broadway. I did not know at first, despite the universal critical acclaim he has received for his performance on “Dexter” if I was going to be able to see him as a serial killer because it was so different from David and because I knew him so well as David. In 5 minutes all of my fears dissipated. This is a completely different character, brilliantly performed, instantly memorable and the only time I was thinking of David was when I was marveling just how different the characters are. Dexter Morgan narrates the show which is a marvelous decision no doubt based on the structure of the book it is based on. Having him narrate for us is essential for understanding where he is coming from instead of him just being a creepy guy that we follow around. I had no idea his killing sprees were because Dexter has the urge to kill and this is how he decides to take them out. I figured the killing was Dexter’s completely voluntary choice which is completely wrong and all for the better. It makes his character what he is. Michael C. Hall has a talent for voiceover narration as we can see here, he’s not trying too hard, it comes off effortless and displays exactly the emotions and monotonous, highly observant, slightly bored quality that he I assume wants to convey.

We have the fascinating season arc of the Ice Truck Killer starting right away which is so interesting the back and forth game that he/she and Dexter are going to partake in for the rest of the series. The show itself is off to a really nice start. There are some different relationships on the show and certainly enough intriguing things to keep you interested, mainly Dexter himself. The other characters bring a unique quality to the show as well. Debra played by Jennifer Carpenter who Hall recently married, plays Dexter’s stepsister and she is fantastic. Her performance in “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” was one of the greatest performances in a not very good film (but not awful) that I’ve seen. I was hoping she’d get work after seeing her in that and thankfully she has. She makes Debra have awkward unique ridiculously human mannerisms that we never see on television. I love Carpenter’s acting style and she brings so much to the role that I doubt was on the page. Their interactions are really strong. Dexter’s relationship with Rita, a repeated rape victim who is in no way ready to have sex which is good because Dexter does not want to either, makes for another very unique and interesting relationship really well played by Julie Benz (Darla of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel). Then we have Doakes whose interactions with Dexter were hilarious. Lieutenant La Guerta who is played by Gloria Nathan from Oz (yay!) is sort of a bitch and has a creepy crush on Dexter (who wouldn’t with a face like that?) Angel (Enrique Morales from OZ!!) is another character I really like with the way his and Dexter’s fascination with murder scenes make them have something in common even if Dexter takes it way too far. So yeah this is a solid pilot, nothing mind blowing but definitely solid. I very much look forward into getting further into this series mainly because Dexter Morgan is such a fascinating character and is brilliantly played by Michael C. Hall.

"South Park" Season 13, Episode 2: "The Coon" Grade: 8.6

South Park:
Season 13, Episode 2: “The Coon”
Grade: 6.9

Not nearly as good as the season premiere, this episode still had its funny moments with its parody of a combination of “The Dark Knight” and “Watchmen”. The concept of The Coon makes me laugh to even think about. The suspects for The Coon being Cartman, Bruce Valanch and Harvey Fierstein made me in stitches. The fight at the end was funny. My favorite part of the episode was probably the narration which completely ripped on Rorschach’s voiceovers in “Watchmen”. Too funny. Not much else to say. Cartman’s Coon mobile was so funny as was the ridiculous costume.

Curb Your Enthusiasm: Season 1, Episode 2: "Ted and Mary"

Curb Your Enthusiasm:
Season 1, Episode 2: “Ted and Mary”
Grade: 7.3

While I did not laugh a lot during this episode, it was still extremely enjoyable. Larry’s interactions with the shoe salesman were really very funny and his interaction with the man who took his shoes was priceless. I was completely on Larry’s side with both of those situations. His attempts to worm himself into Mary Steenburgen’s life was a little awkward but she was so nice she did not notice. The image of Larry and Cheryl sitting on the couch listening to Paul Simon was pathetic and funny. Also portraying Ted Danson as a little off is quite amusing. The best moment of the episode along with the encounter with the man who took Larry’s shoes was Larry’s reaction when he realized he took a sip from Mary’s mother’s glass of water. Awwwkkkwwaard. So yeah not as good as the first one but still entertaining throughout with the perfect amount of awkwardness.


- Shoe Salesman: I am not a shoe whore!
Larry: I didn't accuse you of being a shoe whore!

- Larry: (on Ted Danson) Everything's "heaven" with him. The comment if he had a piece of gum, "I'm in heaven." - Had to taste a chocolate bar, "oh, oh, I'm in heaven." The parking space is "heaven."

- Mary's Mother: Your wife must be very proud of you.
Larry: No, she's not.
Mary's Mother: She's not?
Larry: Not even a little bit.

"The Office" Season 5, Episode 18: "New Boss

The Office
Season 5, Episode 18:
“New Boss”
Grade: 8.7

I have still not seen “Golden Ticket” which was the episode before this one. By all accounts I hear Michael does some really douchy things but I do not know what. Which sucks because I always want to stick up for Michael but it sounds like I won’t be able to this time. This episode was awkward as hell. British Office awkward. I’m not sure how to even really judge the actions in this episode. I agree with Michael’s complaint. For someone who has been working as Branch Manager for so long, he deserves the respect for it. When he stated this complaint he came off as genuine and in the right. Everything else he explains comes off as increasingly childish. At the same time I can understand completely where David Wallace is coming from. Michael, if he was a real person is not someone Wallace should even have to deal with and I think the fact that Michael has kept him on for this long displays the amount of respect that he does have for Michael in the first place. The way Michael handled the situation with Chalres was abysmal, embarrassing and as childish as one could get. This power struggle was hard and embarrassing to watch. Cringe worthy at times hitting its high point when Michael descends into flat out repeating everything that Charles says. Pam got it right when she said “The more childish it is (his comedy routine) the more upset he is.” And “this is bad”. I do not think Michael has ever really had to deal with someone who won’t deal with his antics before. Jan and Ryan understood that he needs to be treated like a child essentially but Charles actually is doing his job. See that’s the cool thing about the episode; Charles is not a bad guy, he’s not evil. He is just doing his job right. And he has no tolerance for wasting time in the workplace. Once he sees that Dunder Mifflin has some managing issues he stays to see what else is going wrong. Michael in increasingly desperate efforts to engage in this power struggle very quickly descends worse and worse into his own insecurities culminating in him freaking out, shouting that once he is done talking to David Wallace that Charles will be fired and drives off to New York to speak with him. I thought David handled the situation well enough. Yeah he should have taken his calls but with the stuff that Michael usually calls about why would he at this point? David thinks he knows how to handle Michael and tells him that he will keep the 15th anniversary party and that they will move money around so that they can have it and that he will come. David figures solving the party problem will fix everything because it will make Michael happy. Wrong. David says nothing about fixing the Charles problem, nothing about giving him respect, no apology for that, nothing about creating a new middle man so he does not have to deal with Michael and no denial of it even. So Michael quits Dunder Mifflin. Wow. I knew he was quitting but I figured it would be in a couple of episodes and that it would be that David suggests he quit because he is going to get fired so this way he could walk away with dignity. No go. Michael flat out quits. It’s a fantastic moment in the series. This is an episode that should win Steve Carell an Emmy. Seriously; he is remarkable in this episode, heightening the awkwardness, the childishness and the false pride but also the seriousness of the respect issue and delivering those concerns with the utmost sincerity with no immaturity in sight.

In other plots, I love what they did with Jim this week. We got to see one of his pranks backfire on Dwight as he has to be at work all day in a tuxedo when the new boss arrives. Jim makes himself look like an ass in every scene with Charles as his attempts to prove he is not an idiot or a slacker backfire miserably. I really liked Pam in this episode. I don’t really know why. Angela and Kelly running in the rain were hilarious. Next week should prove to be great hopefully and continue the momentum built up in this really fantastic episode.

Even though I have yet to watch “The Wire” which I plan on soon rectifying, its really cool that both Amy Ryan and Idris Elba from that show appear on this one.

I thought Dwight’s phone call to David was too much. Did not like it.

Other favorite moments:

- The opening. How to be Classy. Mr. Peanut. Chocolate covered strawberries and Michael looking at Jim for a reaction to have about whether or not something is classy.
- “Jan was my lover and Ryan was my best friend.”
- Michael introducing Accounting.
- The bagels all shaped like C for Charles.
- The 2 way petting zoo idea.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dollhouse Review: Season 1, Episode 5: "True Believer"

Dollhouse: Season 1, Episode 5: “True Believer”
Grade: 6.8

This was a vast improvement over “Gray Hour” which while addressing some of my favorite aspects of the show failed to actually come together to makes good episode. Granted this episode still had flaws but it was to me the most accomplished episode the series has come up with so far although I must say that “The Target” is my personal favorite of the 5.

This episode continues to heavily address the morality issues involving the Dollhouse It does this on a number of ways but never by really knocking us over the head with the comparison. The religious cult and the Dollhouse both have people who have essentially been brainwashed and who have volunteered to commit to the society or organization. While we are seeing everything from the Dollhouses point of view, these people are basically the wrongdoers in this story which makes for an interesting twist on the perspective we are seeing the story from. The two major plot oriented way in which the morals of the Dollhouse are questioned in the episode are by the surgery that the Dollhouse performs on Echo which is questionable in how right that is. Saunders clearly had issues with it. The second way is the story involving Victor and the fact that he is getting erections when he looks at Sierra and is not supposed to be. When we see the reaction that the people have when such a natural things occur and he has to be scrubbed and the “problem” has to be fixed, we see just how messed up the Dollhouse actually is. The other reason that I liked this story is that it allowed for a bit of humor to enter the show without making what was happening pointless or irrelevant. I know this show does not have the humor aspect; Whedon flat out has said this but it was still nice to see that it is possible for the show to allow humor to make its way in sometimes. I love Saunders so much. Topher I still hate hate hae but I found him a little less annoying in this episode than I have in previous ones. I think its interesting to see that these little flaws in the organization’s system is trickling through from Echo being able to adapt and remember things to Victor having “man-reactions” and so on.
We did not learn enough about the religious cult. I guess it was just supposed to be a typical religious cult that happened to be a hoax that was a holding place for guns but honestly I thought we could have learned a bit about the cult to understand what is making these people stay, what is the foundation behind it. Also I really liked that nobody within the cult wrote the “save me” note. Creepy.

I also am excited about the subplot with Dominic and the fact that he actually attempted to leave Echo for dead in this episode. Obviously this is going somewhere. And also as the end of the episode showed…Echo remembers this! Great end of the episode.

Eliza Dushku did a really decent job in the episode. I cared for Esther; you felt that she really believed. Even though I can still see those mannerisms I thought she did a good job with a different character.

What is the deal with Mellie? I think I hate her as much as Topher. Obviously they are going somewhere with this and I know that she was originally cast as another Doll but ugh…she’s awful and uber creepy. I’m sure she will have an eventual purpose but I hate her. Making him food, calling it leftover and bringing it into his work is creepy teepee.

Why did Boyd sign up for this job in the first place? And Saunders too? They both seem totally apprehensive about the whole thing although with Saunders I can understand why; Alpha’s attack on her.

Okay so…when Ballard coud not find any information on Caroline it made me wonder what happens to these peoples records when they sign up for this. I guess they disappear but what about friend and family? What do they think happened to the person? I want to know this because if they file a missing persons report that should be in the system.

So Esther hadn’t read since she was 9. But she can pronounce Nebuchadnezzar. Right.

So the episode even though I said in the video blog was great it was not. But it was quite good for the show’s standards so far.

Next week should bring what is supposed to be THE episode to watch. The one that Joss writes and directs. The one where FOX began to back off. The one where the plot starts coming together. Hopefully its great; it has a lot of buzz behind it. Let’s hope.

24: Season 7, Episode 14: "9:00pm-10:00pm"

24: Season 7, Episode 14: 9:00-10:00pm
Grade: 8.9

This was another impeccably strong episode of 24 for the most part although it makes the Jack on the run plot a seemingly much harder one to get out of. However this season is doing a really impressive job of keeping up the momentum its’ built up in the past few episodes. I thought that while the beginning half of the season was good and certainly better than I had expected that it fell quite short of being truly great but showed the potential to be great. If this season keeps up with what its’ been doing for the past 4 episodes it could be an overall great season.
Janice is now on a power trip after Renee’s suspension, Chloe being detained and Sean and Irene being moles. She takes a great deal of pride by being Moss’ number 2 person that he can trust.
My issue with the episode lies with the fact that Jonas Hodges has a very unoriginal motivation for doing what he’s doing. It seems that sacrificing lives for the great good so that America can understand that terrorism is a legitimate threat and thus giving Starkwood a ton of power. Boring. Seriously I wanted something totally wacked out and crazy with Hodges’ motivations but it seems like it is the same as all of the Americans that help out in the destruction of the country on this show. Either way I still find Jon Voight to be an interesting and compelling villain.
Morris agreed to trade helping Moss with Chloe’s immunity. Honestly I think he made the right decision. I think that he held out as long as he could and that even considering letting his wife sit in jail for 15 years so that he could buy Jack some time shows his loyalty to Jack even if he ended up making the deal. Does Chloe know that Bill is dead yet? Does anybody on this show seem to care that Bill is dead besides Jack?

The Olivia and Ethan story made great headway tonight and I’ll say right now that there is no way in hell that she did not leak that story. The look on her face said it all. It sucks to see how quickly Ethan can lose his cool when dealing with Olivia and does not bode well for the future. I think Ethan might be my favorite new character of the season. I am finding that I care very much about him. Olivia on the other hand is a huge wench. Holy crap she is evil. I do not think that taking her idea and incorporating it into the speech was a good idea but I understand that President Taylor wants to show that she appreciates her daughters input but with an important speech such as this one that will set the tone for the country’s state of mind and be something that analysts will most likely dissect to no end I do not think this was the proper time to listen to Olivia. It looks like on next week’s show Ethan will resign which meant that the story will move along much more quickly than I had anticipated. I am so interested in this storyline.
Renee helped Jack out and Moss knows Renee so well that he immediately figured it out. Nice job Moss even though you are a moron. Now Renee is in holding instead of Chloe. Its musical holding room chairs everyone!

The most interesting stuff going on in this episode had to do with Jack. I thought that his conversations with Senator Mayer might have been my favorite stuff of the season so far. He opened up to Senator Mayer about his actions and about losing his family. They have been sprinkling Kim’s name or “my daughter” in spots throughout the season to foreshadow her return for the last 4 episodes. He mentioned Teri : (. They worked together on a common cause. The Senator admitted that Jack was onto something and that even though they still disagree about a lot of stuff he believed that Jack was being framed and was willing to help him out so that he could dig further into his lead. He even called him “Son”!!!!!!!!!!! Omg I almost cried! And then…Senator Mayer took a few bullets in the chest by the infamous John Quinn. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I actually gasped out loud for the first time this season. I have no idea why I did not see this coming. Why would the police wait for 2 minutes for someone to answer the door? Why would someone who has a heart to heart and could help Jack’s situation actually survive for more than an episode? Why did I not think of this? I seriously was so caught up in the conversation that I had no idea what was going to happen. But why would Jack not look out the window or realize this? Why does he sometimes turn into a moron? This was so depressing. I am actually quite devastated to lose Senator Mayer because of the rapport the two of them had built up in the episode. And it makes Jack look like he’s on a killing spree! How can he clear his name on this one?

Then Jack leads Quinn into this little trailer office thing and knock it over with a fucking bulldozer. How awesome can this show get sometimes? Ok and then Bauer and Quinn have a knock down drag out fight; easily one of the top 5 fights in this shows history. This was sick. Jack throws a fucking screwdriver into his chest and then whacks him in the head with a fricking
board. Classic 24. So anyways now Jack is on the run and as if this episode could not be any more satisfying on a quality 24 level, Jack calls Tony for help to meet him at the dock. Jack and Tony working together!! I have no idea why it took him this long to call Tony. I thought it would be the first person he’d call. Also what was it that Tony wanted to say to Jack before he had to hang up? Hmmm.. All questions for next week’s hopefully a fraction as good as this week’s 24. Until then…

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 5, Episode 2: "Real Me"

Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
Season 5, Episode 2: “Real Me”
Grade: 6.9

Ok so the introduction of Dawn episode. From what I understand Dawn does not exactly have the strongest fanbase. She seems to be sort of a hated character…and I completely understand why. The entire dynamic of the show changes with her arrival. I know that everything involving Dawn gets explained and I am excited for that even though I pretty much know the general concept of it. Ugh I don’t really know where to start with this episode. It’s weird but if this were a difference character I would think this idea and the way it’s executed is brilliant. Seriously brilliant. But it’s hard when the character is about to take over the show and you aren’t a fan.
Ok well I really like that they introduced Dawn by letting us hear her journal entries. It established her relationships with everyone and her feelings toward everything. But because in the earlier episodes they had been writing for what they thought was a 12 year old instead of a 14 year old and you can definitely tell. It’s actually a pretty big problem in the episode. What we learn about Dawn is that…she whines…a lot. While I understand where this is coming from its still…annoying. While I like Michelle Trachtenberg as an actress in general just from her days on “The Adventures of Pete and Pete” and in “Harriet the Spy” and then in “Mysterious Skin” and “Gossip Girl” I find that her acting is pretty unpolished in this first episode so it makes Dawn even more annoying with her amateur acting during certain moments particularly just looking at her in shots where the focus is meant to be someone else. She’s overreacting with her face to everything.

I had no idea that Buffy and everyone treat Dawn as if she were there the whole time. I thought that Buffy and them find her presence completely out of the blue and confusing for the audience. But they treat her as if we were the crazy ones who missed her presence the whole time. I think I actually like this better than what I thought it had been just because we immediately get to see how she fits into the group. I don’t know. I know I’ll get used to it but..ugh. This show has officially changed course and I can tell you right now it’s not the same. And unfortunately at this point of the show Riley feels a bit like dead weight even though I do like him very much. I know he’ll be leaving half way through the season but still. You can see that he is getting pushed to the side and the troubles are slowly starting. Riley has nothing but Buffy. Buffy has a lot more going on in her life. It’s imbalanced and eventually will lead to the end of their relationship. And the climax was very very underwhelming although this was a character introduction episode and needed something not too heavy in the villain department so that they could concentrate more on Dawn’s intro to the series.

There were some good moments though:
- The scene with Giles and Buffy in his new car. I really love that Giles and Buffy have reestablished their Watcher-Slayer relationship.
- I love that Giles bought the magic shop.
- The conversation between Willow and Tara.
- While Harmony never posed a threat at all I think the idea of her idea of being bad is hilarious.
- I also really liked all of the references to Xander being Dracula’s man bitch in the previous episode.
- Anya bringing over the games Monopoly, Life and Clue and then when she thinks she’s losing Monopoly even though shows winning was the best dialogue of the episode.
- Buffy laughing hysterically at the idea that Harmony is trying to self consciously be a villain.

Favorite Quotes:
Harmony, when you tried to be head cheerleader, you were bad. When you tried to chair the homecoming committee, you were really bad. But when you try to be bad ... you suck.

Oh, crap. Look at this! Now I'm burdened with a husband and several tiny pink children, more cash than I can reasonably manage...
That means you're winning.
Yes. Cash equals good.
Ooh! I'm so pleased! Can I trade in the children for more cash?

So I won't be taking drama with you.
What? You have to, you promised!
Well, I know, but Giles said that it just was-
The hell with Giles.
I can hear you, Willow.

I'm just not used to this automatic transmission. I-I loathe this sitting here, not contributing. No, i-it's not working out.
Giles, are you breaking up with your car?
Well, it did seduce me, all red and sporty!
Little two-door tramp.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 5, Episode 1: "Buffy vs. Dracula". Grade: 6.5

Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
Season 5, Episode 1: “Buffy vs. Dracula”
Grade: 6.6

Ok this was a weak start to the Season for me. I can tell you right now I miss the way things were on this show. I appreciate the show evolving and I think it’s necessary and it could be a lot worse and I know I’m only 2 episodes in to the Season but I was not a big fan of either of them. I really liked how the episode led to Buffy asking Giles to be her Watcher again. I liked that right off the bat we see Buffy in a situation that she cannot completely control. I just think bringing Dracula into it was kind of hokey. I know the show has always had an element of camp, an essential one perhaps that does seem to disappear quite a bit but never completely. I still thought Dracula did not fit in here. I thought the actor did an adequate job; it could have been a lot worse.

I liked Willow’s attempt to make Giles’ contribution to the Scoobies seem more profound in an effort to make him feel more appreciated since she was the only one that knew that he was going to be leaving. I thought Xanders’ devotion to Dracula was a bit over the top even though it had its funny moments.

I like Anya much more than I thought I was going to. I think Emma gives her such creative line delivery with that always amusing touch of obliviousness.

Giles and the lady vampires were funny particularly when Riley saves him and he wanted to go back for his shoe.

And of course the episode ends with the introduction of Dawn who I can tell you right now from that first episode with her “Real Me”, I hate. I know that they are going to explain her sudden inclusion into the Buffyverse and why everyone acts as if she’s always been a part of the show and I’m interested in that but I can tell you right now: not a fan.

Even though I’m not really big on this season so far I love seeing how far these characters have come since Season 1. These characters, their chemistry and their performances are just as strong as ever so no matter what, all of these factors are still a huge part of the show that I love even if I’m not a fan of the story.

Favorite Quotes:

Xander: I'm exhausted just looking at those two. All this splashing, and jumping, and running... shouldn't relaxing involve less exertion?

Anya: Absolutely. Exertion can lead to sweatiness.

Tara: Which can cause the pain and heartbreak of stinkiness. Better to just stay put.

Willow: I think we just put the finger on why we're the sidekicks.

Riley: (to Buffy) It could have been worse. At least you weren't making time with the Dracu-babes like Giles here.

Giles: I was not making time! I, I was, uh, just about to kill those, uh, loathsome creatures when Riley interrupted me.

Riley: (grins) You were gonna nuzzle 'em to death?

The Simpsons: "Lisa's Substitute": Season 2, Episode 19

“The Simpsons”
“Lisa’s Substitute”
Grade: 9.5

I could never get into the Simpsons growing up. I could never see the obsession. I thought Family Guy was funnier. God how infantile I was back in the day. While I still very much enjoy Family Guy I am completely 100% in agreement with all of the points made in the South Park episode that completely puts the show in its amateur place. It has good characters (Peter, Lois, Stewie, Mayor Bee, etc.) and bad ones (Quagmire, the Old man, Chris) and can derive humor from their personalities but its main focus is on making random references to pop culture that have no place in the plot are not saying anything about what its referencing and takes no effort to integrate itself into the story in a clever way. Family Guy is a funny but ultimately lazy show. While “The Simpsons” from the little I have seen has changed so much from its early days, it’s still doing pretty well in what it does and I applaud it for continuing to be a part of pop culture for so long. But I had no idea what “The Simpsons” was doing in its early days. I had no idea it was sentimental, touching, told complete stories in a way that actually could say something about family while still keeping the humor in. It has scenes that go on for minutes on end with talking. It’s insane. In its early days “The Simpsons” could actually be a somewhat serious show for a couple of minutes and I am not going to lie here; this episode made me cry. Yeah it made me cry. This was one of the most touching episodes of any show I think I’ve ever seen. It was really funny but so balanced with what it was doing with its story. Anyone who can even begin to compare this show with Family Guy needs to see this episode so it can be proven that Family Guy cannot even begin to be what this show once was.

It takes the whole inspiring substitute teacher story and actually squeezes something really great out of it. It deals with Lisa having to live with a moronic father, not having anyone to really look up to, etc. It sounds corny but seriously the way it’s done…I’m getting teary eyed just thinking about it. I’m so lame. Whatever it was touching. Dustin Hoffman once again shows that he has some of the best voiceover skills out of any working actor even the ones whose careers are voice work. He goes uncredited under a different name in this episode but it’s him playing the substitute teacher. Then there are hilarious moments involving Bart running for Class President against Martin. This is one of the flat out best episodes of television I’ve ever seen.

Curb Your Enthusiasm: Season 1, Episode 1: "The Pants Tent"

Curb Your Enthusiasm
Season 1, Episode 1 “The Pants Tent”
Grade: 8.0

Wow I’m finally starting this show. Its’ been a long time coming. I am introducing Matt to Seinfeld which he has had ridiculously little exposure to and he is introducing me to “Curb” which he loves loves loves so much. I love watching Larry David but I would never in a million years want to meet him because he’s insane. I think many of the things he gets angry about are valid but he’s such an angry person that all he does is get angry about stuff. I could not watch a marathon of this show because I would get annoyed with him. But 1 or 2 episode chunks are a perfect dose of Larry David. I like everyone on the show; Larry, Cheryl and Jeff. Oh and Richard Lewis is hilarious. He kills me. I have not seen much of Suzie but Matt loves Suzie so I’m sure I will to. This is a really hard show to write about. I don’t know what to say. The episode was really funny. I always like on the show how all of the little plots come together and meet up in a really inconvenient way. Once you get the hang of the shows structure which is pretty easy to catch onto out of the 3 episodes I’ve seen, the special and experience with Seinfeld, you can predict at what points the other plots threads will come in. It’s predictable but always amusing but sometimes frustrating.

Loved the pants tent plot, the Richard Lewis plot, the Jeff’s parents hating Larry because he referred to his wife as Hitler plot. Every story in this episode was solid so I give it a high grade.

"South Park" Season 13, Episode 1: "The Ring" Grade: 8.6

South Park Season 13, Episode 1:
Grade: 8.7

What a solid season premiere this was. It stared out good but just kept getting better culminating with the greatest depiction of Mickey Mouse that will ever be seen anywhere in the history of anything. Kenny gets a girlfriend who is in 5th grade and when he finds out that she gets all hot and bothered when listening to the Jonas Brothers he buys them tickets to the concert. Then the Jonas Brothers call a few girls backstage to ask them if they want to wear purity rings. Kenny and his girlfriend start wearing purity rings while the other boys attempt to put a stop to everything going on. In the meantime the Jonas Brothers want to rebel against the purity rings which lead to Mickey Mouse being brought in to essentially beat them into agreeing with their contracts.

This episode perfectly exemplifies what I love about the show. I do not like when I think it goes over the top which is not all that often actually since I have a pretty high standard as to what I think goes over the top when it pertains to this show. I.E I thought the Woodland Creatures Christmas episode was brilliant if not disturbing. Anyways though this show has a very keen eye of basically ripping something in our culture, pop culture or of the moment popular thing and doing it in a way that actually manages to provide some level of insight and bizarre truth to the whole thing while simultaneously making humanity look absolutely absurd. I adored Kenny in this episode. His excitement and the boys’ disgust were amusing.

What I liked most though was the way it depicted the Jonas Brothers and Disney. Instead of showing the Jonas Brothers as kids who are the exact opposite of how they appear to be, they are shown as kids who really do have religious beliefs but increasingly believe they are being taken advantage of by Disney who is using their beliefs to promote the exact opposite of what they believe. They are also shown as having appropriately awful music and are kids who believe that they should sing “baby” in the most annoying way possible every chance they get. They are shown as kids who make bad music, are basically cowards and cannot escape their contracts. They come out relatively unscathed. (Outside of the part where Mickey Mouse kicks the shit out of one of them). Disney are the ones who are ripped apart here and rightly so. Mickey Mouse is shown as a psychotic power hungry Nazi sadist essentially and its one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on this show. I will never look at Mickey Mouse the same way again.

This episode takes a look inside of the phenomenon of the Jonas Brothers and places the blame for it all in the right places. It may be an obvious statement to make but it’s one that needs to be made and it could have been done in much less intelligent and insightful ways. Yes I am talking about South Park in this manner.
Also I think the most brilliant part of the episode might be the depiction of the Jonas Brothers concert. I nearly pissed my pants.

"Flight of the Conchords" Season 1, Episode 1: "Sally"

Flight of the Conchords:
Season 1, Episode 1: “Sally”
Grade: 7.0

I had seen this episode before but since Matt and I are starting the show I figured I’d give my thoughts on the first episode. The best parts of this show are the songs. They are consistently hilarious from the 4 episodes I’ve seen and I always love listening to them. They are weird and make no sense at all and that is what I love about them. It’s completely self aware, does not take itself seriously but at the same time its actually good music. I adore Jemaine and Bret and Murray and Mel. All of that being said I am perfectly aware going in that this won’t be one of my all time favorite shows along with Extras but will be something that I really really thoroughly enjoy. The only problem with it that I have is that in an effort to be slightly off kilter it seems to think that repeating the same sentences over and over again are funny but after a while they aren’t. There was one scene with Bret and Jemaine literally repeating the same thing over and over and getting nowhere in the conversation and the joke was that they were getting nowhere in the conversation but I cannot handle getting nowhere in a conversation like that for that long. The first episode was also really random as a first episode but it’s hard to expect a proper pilot from this show. But still I really like the characters, the tone of the show and especially the music and the scenes in which they perform because it’s so ridiculously funny.

Extras: Season 1, Episode 2: "Ross Kemp"

Extras Season 1, Episode 2: "Ross Kemp"
Grade: B

So I have now seen all of Season 1 of “Extras”. I will be watching Season 2 in order. I would definitely say that I prefer The Office in a millisecond and I do not think “Extras” will ever be one of my absolute favorite shows but I do find it very entertaining and funny. I have no idea how Ricky Gervais has managed to find a situation where the scenes could be more awkward than the ones in the Office but he has. This episode did not really have any of those scenes to the extent of which I mean but this show is capable of making me actually have to turn away at parts because of the awkwardness. Something I really admire about the show is how unapologetic it is about Maggie and Andy. Andy is a jerk. He’s just a jerk. And not a lovable jerk; just a jerk. He hates what he does and I do not blame him for that but he has just become so cynical that he has turned into a not very nice person. Maggie is not really a jerk but she’s so awkward that it comes to the point where you do blame her for acting the way she does. She’s politically incorrect at times and completely unaware of what it acceptable and not acceptable behavior. But the show never attempts to make us really love them or apologize for them and to make us become overtly sympathetic. There is no redeeming incident however small at the end of the episode to make whatever happened before hand not matter. They are who they are and while it’s hard to watch and like them at times I love that the show takes that attitude.

I thought Ross Kemp did a great job. I know I missed a lot of the jokes because I’m not familiar with his work. I liked the way that Barry and Andy need to find some pathetic way of feeling like they have power and if that means that they will use the actors they have befriended and attempt to power over the situation that they get the actors into then so be it.

I was really rooting for Maggie in this episode and everything was going really well and then it turns out that the guy was a total douche. Poor Maggie. Oh and the guy in that episode was the guy who played a younger version of Ebenezer Scrooge in "Muppet Christmas Carol" and I totally knew it!!

Favorite Part of the Episode:
Andy reading what his agent Darren wrote for him as a resume. Hilarious.

Friday, March 13, 2009

24 Season 7: "8:00pm - 9:00pm" Grade: A-

24 Season 7, Episode 13
"8:00pm - 9:00pm"
Grade: A-

24 is officially really really fucking good again. So much happened in this episode pushing toward the next section of the season but still not letting the audience know where they are going.

R.I.P Bill Buchanan.

It happened so quickly I had no idea how to even react. I was not expecting everything that happened in the credits to happen in the first 10 minutes. It's going to be weird not having Bill around anymore. I will miss him a lot. Bill has always been a character on 24 that I have loved. So that sucked. Jack crying made me cry. Ugh.

- Juma is dead. I did not expect that to happen so quickly. He had been given a lot of build up and then he just sort of died.

-Something I have noticed that was done this Season tha tI really liked was that usually we know the threat pretty soon and then we either have to find out who is behind it or we knwo who is behind it but we have to find out how to get to them. This season we know who is behind everything (Jon Voight) but we do not really know why or what the shipment is or what the threat is and it makes for more exciting television then if they had done it the way they usually do.

- I did not expect Renee to be suspended. I liked Moss but now he's just an asshole.

-Jack is on the run. Shocker. I am glad he called Moss though otherwise he would be a huge moron.

-Wow that Quentin guy is good. Holy shit. That guy knows what he is doing. We have not seen the last of him I suspect.

Ok so the big topic; Olivia and Ethan. Oh boy I think this will be a big deal in the upcoming episodes considering how long they put off this conversation on the episode. I feel really bad for Ethan who did try to geniunely propose an administrative position for Olivia. I can see why he is apprehensive; maybe because she's insane??? We saw the way President Taylor reacted when Ethan was apprehensive about Olivia being on the administration; not good. So Ethan has been put in an incredibly awkward position. And Olivia is crazy. So I am so interested to see how things turn out in this storyline to say the least.

"Lost" Season 5, Episode 8: "La Fleur" Grade: B

Season 5, Episode 8:
"La Fleur" Grade: B

I know it has been a while since this episode aired so I do not know it as well as some other episodes of the show. So this will be a bit all over the place but bear with me as I attempt to jot down some observations.

-This episode was mainly focused on Sawyer and his evolution over the course of 3 years and his second chance at a life with his decision to settle down with Dharma Initiative instead of leaving the island on the submarine like he could have. I love where Sawyer is right now. I think it has set up a future dilemma with the return of Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid and Sawyer's attempts to be able to keep the life that he has and to not revert back to his old ways when trouble arises. I think his evolution from point A to point B is compeltely realistic and I say boo to the people that think he has lost his edge considering that its been what, one episode that we see him like this and that he is happy? Sorry that a character you supposedly like is actually happy. Fucking sadists. As for him being with Juliet, I am thrilled. Why am I thrilled? Because Juliet is the best female character on the show and someone who I think fits nicely with Sawyer. I think it shows more potential for them as a couple then it does for Kate and Sawyer because if Kate had been in Juliet's place she would have needed to leave at some point. I hate Kate and I am thrilled Sawyer has found someone he deserves and vice versa. Two things that suck about this though. One is that Juliet is about to get screwed over again with the return of Kate. Sawyer lying immediately to Juliet about the phone call is not a good sign. Two: They skipped the three years that Juliet and Sawyer and the others spent with Dharma. We skipped over all of Sawyer and Juliet's happy time! WIll we see flashbacks within these three years to see maybe some stuff they all learned about Dharma and maybe some other stuff with Sawyer and Juliet?

- We see Jin, Sawyer, Juliet and Miles in the three years later segments. We do not see Daniel. Where the hell was Daniel?

-Jin must have learned perfect English at this point and also must be best buds with Sawyer at this point. YAY!!!

- Where are Rose and Bernard? I mean tthey are not my favorite characters but I do care about them and want to know what happened to them.

-We basically saw the 4 toed statue from behind!!! What is it? Its Egyptian but from the back of it there are many figures it could be. Does this mean that the island was once home to an ancient Egyptian civilzation?? Who knows at this point.

- So we have Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Sayid, Miles, Jin, Juliet and Daniel in 1977 and Frank, Sun, Ben, Locke, Caesar and Ilana in some other unspecified future time. I have no idea, absolutely no idea where the second story is going to go. I cannot even venture a guess and it makes me so excited.

-So Horace is now with new character Amy a.k.a Michelle Dessler from 24!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! I love that Michelle is on this show. She is fantastic.

-However Horace being with Amy begs the question; what happened to Olivia?

-Loved the Richard Alpert eyeliner reference.

-"Thanks anyway Plato"

-How did Sawyer and company manage to become a part of Dharma?

-How was Horace able to say within 5 minutes of meeting Sawyer that he's "not Dharma material"?

-I loved Sawyer's speech about forgetting Kate's face. Because the viewers need to be able to fully grasp that its been longer than the entire 4 seasons put together that these people have been in Dharma. We need to be able to fully grasp how truly long it is because its hardly been anytime for us. It worries me if they will be able to treat the time jump in a way that works. I want to feel it has been 3 years for these people. Lots has probably happened. But Sawyer saying he could not remember Kate's face was so needed in that it really has been that long.
-Favorite Moment:

Daniel sees Charlotte as a child. Wow that was heartbreaking. I worry about Daniel. Between the state we last saw him in and the fact that we have not seen him in the 3 years later segments worries me.

Ok so that is pretty much it for this week. There are many more thoughts I did have but cannot remember right now. So until next week!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Battlestar Galactica: Season 4, Episode 18: "Islanded in a Stream of Stars"

“Battlestar Galactica”
Season 4, Episode 18 “Islanded in a Stream of Stars”
Grade: B-

I love the name of this episode. And that’s pretty much the better part of what I loved involving this episode. It was not bad. It’s still better and more artistically inclined than most shows on TV. The issue I have is that we are 2 episodes and 3 hours away from being done…and not much happened in this episode. Seriously. What the hell? I figured last week would be set up which I accepted because it still had the Starbuck and Boomer/Tyrol focuses to give the episode structure but I saw no payoff to the buildup from the episode before. I thought the Starbuck stuff would be explained during this, the Opera house visions, etc. Nothing. There were moments and aspects that I really liked and a couple of things I loved but the episode had no clear focus in a show that has each episode having some structure to it and if I am 4 hours away from completing a series I should remember what happens in its finale episodes right? But I trouble remembering what even did happen. So what did happen?

- I had predicted that Roslin’s death would be exactly as we had seen it as it was foreseen at the end of Season 4.0. The setting has now been set and the scene now just has to be shown.

- Anders is now a Hybrid basically and was taking up some of Galactica’s reminaing energy? This came out of nowhere. Not sure how I feel about it. But it was really interesting to see that it is still saying that Kara is the harbinger of doom. So I am guessing this has not happened yet.

- Helo and Athena = not doing well; at all. Unsurprisingly. I have to say Tahmoh Penikett gave his best performance as Helo in this scene. It’s the best acting he has done in the whole show.

- Adama has given up on Galactica. I guess this is a huge development but we all knew they could not stay on there forever. I really liked his paintbrush breakdown scene.

- Have I mentioned I love Adama and Tigh?! I love them.

- So is Caprica Six not with Tigh anymore? They should tell us this or not.

- Boomer will rebel against what Cavil is doing with Hera. Obviously.

- The most interesting aspect of the episode for me was Starbuck and Gaius. I do not think they have had a scene for some time now (possibly not since Season 1). I like that they have finally given Gaius something to do and that we got to see him in scientist mode for a few seconds again. It’s been such a long time. But since we have not been following Gaius’ psyche for quite some time now I have no idea what he was thinking or trying to accomplish when he called out Starbuck in front of everyone. It was so weird. I mean it was great. I loved seeing so many of the characters in the same room. I loved seeing everyone’s reaction. I loved seeing her slap him across the face. The scene was great. But I have no idea why he did it. I am sure we will find out (at least I sincerely hope so) but it just proved how damn disconnected to him we are now.

- Ok we have two more weeks of this show and that is it. What will happen?

Favorite Scene:
- Lee and Starbuck. Her facial expressions said so much. It was such a great and long awaited scene.

Best Moment:
- Starbuck on the toilet in front of Gaius. Why? Because it was Pure Old School Starbuck.

"The Office": Season 5, Episode 16: "Blood Drive"

“The Office”
Season 5, Episode 16: “Blood Drive”
Grade: A-

Our first Office episode in a while. The show came back with a touching and funny episode; really one of the series best I think. Easily one of my Top 3 favorites of the season. Why? Because it was Michael based and I even liked the Jim and Pam storyline for the episode although I think them eating some of Phyllis’ and Bob’s food was not cute; it was actually really gross. Although considering what Bob and Phyllis did at the restaurant, Jim and Pam’s actions seem extremely mild.

I loved the opening to the episode so much. It gives a great example about the fact that Michael will go along with anything as long as he is being included. AAAAYYYYYYYYYY!
So everyone came together for Valentine’s Day in the office to celebrate (or not rather) being single. There is also a blood drive and Michael meets a woman who he has some playful banter with before he passes out and wakes up to find that she is gone but has left her glove behind accidently essentially leaving him with his own glass slipper. At least that is how he takes it. Michael and Holly are my favorite couple (well ex couple : ( ) on any show that I watch currently on TV. But if they were going to give Michael someone else to interact with for the episode I could not have been happier with who or what they came up with. Talk. About. Adorable.

I also really loved how everyone showed support for Michael at the end by sticking it out with him (yes, even Stanley) and walking him to his car. I thought it was really touching and goes to show that the office workers know to treat Michael differently than they would a normal person. I just really like how everyone came together for him. I really found the end and Michael’s optimism quite touching.

My other favorite part of the episode was Kevin and Lynn (?) I think that was her name. Soooo adorable. I really hope they keep with the story or at least allude to it because it is too cute to let go to waste.

Ok I do not care how stupid and redundant this review is. This was a really solid episode.

Favorite Parts:

-Oscar telling Michael about his breakup and Michael mistaking it for having a happy ending.

- Girl at Blood Drive to Michael: “You’re cute”

- Michael: “These people have to be protected from having love shoved into their faces”

- Kelly and Meredith bonding over ripping up the hearts and plastering the pieces on the wall.
Meredith also ripping the Cupid’s wings off and saying “Now it’s just a stupid baby”

- The entire scene with the Blood Drive woman and Michael.

Dollhouse: Season 1, Episode 4: "Grey Hour"

1.4 “Grey Hour”
Grade: C

So we still have not broken the high point of the series so far which was Episode 2. This episode was a decline for me. There were definitely aspects of it that I liked. I actually really like Eliza Dushku’s acting when Echo is tabula rasa. Yes I can tell she is acting but it is in a stylized way which actually works for me in this aspect.

I did not get AT ALL about the midwife thing at the beginning. I have no idea why anyone would pay that much money for a midwife when they could just hire one. Also I thought that the main plot got old after a while. I enjoyed the idea of her being wiped mid engagement but honestly I felt like we were kind of watching the same scene over and over. I did really like seeing Adele and Topher try to figure out what was going on but I hate hate HATE HATE HATE Topher so I can really only enjoy that storyline so much. Of course it was Alpha you nimrod. Secondly right when we actually get to the interesting part of the episode (“I’ll tell you everything I know about Alpha”) the episode ends…uuuggghhh.

What I liked:
-Echo in tabula rasa state.
- Sierra as Taffy also. Ok this is an example of why they should have cast in unknown in the states actress like Dichan to play Echo (even though this was always Eliza’s project from the start); because her personalities are more interesting and believable. This episode provides great example of that.
- While Taffy was essentially a bit of a rehash of Faith I thought that Taffy was her own character so I give Eliza props for hitting some of the same notes but doing something different with them.
- I liked that Echo trying to drill the door did not work. It was realistic. It was probably my favorite scene in the episode.
- Yeah that’s about it for this episode. I thought it was a bit all over the place and could not hold my interest for 50 minutes which is how long the episodes are with limited commercial interruption.

Did not Like:
- I have no idea what is going on with Ballard, what he is trying to do, what Adele is trying to do with Victor in place as Lubov and I am honestly totally confused about motivations for this entire story from all perspectives.
- Topher. Did I mention I hate Topher?
- No Amy Acker
- The sloppiness of the episode.
- So the climax was Echo running or slumping through a smoky hall? Yeah because that really would have happened. Uuuggghhh.
- Also what’s with all of the violence against women on this show? Every episode I swear Echo has been hit by a man. Joss you are a self proclaimed feminist and I absolutely worship you for that and for your commitment and awareness of in imbalance in society but I do not get what the point of it is because it’s so consistent and its happening next week too.

I really enjoy it for many reasons mainly in that I see potential and because I just love Joss so much that I’m so happy to have new Joss even if it’s very subpar Joss. But I hope next week is better. I know it’s supposed to get much better soon but it looks like they basically gave away the entire plotline for this next episode coming up. Nice job FOX; way to entice people to watch your show. Imbeciles.

Monday, March 2, 2009

24, Season 7, Episodes 11 and 12: 6:00-8:00pm

Season 7, Episode 11: "600-7:00pm"
Grade: B+
Season 7, Episode 12: "7:00-8:00pm"
Grade: A-

Holy crap. That was insane. Okay so 24 has been doing pretty well so far but after tonight and after the most insane preview for next week this season of 24 has officially kicked into high gear giving us the 2 best episodes of the season so far and if things live up in anyway next week to the preview we saw shit if definitely going down and next week should be even better than this week.

Jack pisses me off lately. He just never can work with other people, he always has to do things himself and needs to further alienate himself from everything. Even if the show insists upon siding with Jack and taking the stance that what he does was right, that does not mean that I believe it. That being said, it was cool to see him working with the President in the second episode. I liked the conversation between him and Bill before all of this happened.

Renee pisses me off as well. She is ridiculously stubborn and always goes into situations without backup and I'm amazed that she escaped from this alive. I still like her though.

Aaron: If Aaron dies I'll die. That is all.

The stuff with The President's daughter was brutal. I knew it would not happen but it was still intense.

I think Ethan is bad now because he got out of the White House before all of this started. hich sucks because I like Ethan a lot.

Also, the Vice President is a douchebag. WHat a shocker.

Hmmm what else? Nothing really. I just cannot wait to see what happens next week Because that was not a "we are going to make it look like stuff happens but nothing really will happen" preview. That was a preview for an episode where a ton of stuff will happen. DId anyone see Jack's face? Omg next week will be intense. Can't wait. 24 is officially back.

Battlestar Galactica Season 4, Episodes 15, 16, 17

Okay so because I have been really not keeping on task with this blog I have to play catchup with this show. But since I am way too confused about the show I will just clump them all together:

"No Exit"
Grade: B

I realized during this episode that I have no idea what the fuck is going on with it. All of the mythological stuff makes no sense to me and the way things were explained in this episode was in a way that had a "see we explained everything"vibe to it. I know this is partly my fault but I'm just really confused. And I realized that I watch this show for the characters and for their interactions, relationships and hopeful survival as opposed to Lost where I become obsessed with the mythology and with the characters equally which would explain why in the end I think Lost is the better show but I still think at its best Battlestar matches Lost and at times has surpassed it.

I loved the way they handled Ellen's character here. She is the same Ellen except with memories. I loved all the stuff with learning about Brother Cavil and what he did to the Final 5. ALl of the exposition with Anders though for me could have been helped with visuals. While Anders was talking I could have had silent visuals that showed what he was talking about. Still we learned a lot and even though I did not get it all it was really important.

Grade: B

So this episode let us see the Final Five together again which was very cool. I honestly do not really have a ton to say about this episode. I am glad Gaius had something to do even though I question where they are going with all of this because I still feel like they dropped the ball on Gaius completely as a character. He used to have so so so much more screen time. But he sitll brought what little humor the show has going for it because Gaius is just funny. I love that he likes a kid more when they share the same name. I liked the return of Head Six. I liked that we got inside of his head a bit. Tigh makes me cry and since I love Tigh and Adama so much it was really great to have that realization between Ellen and Caprica Six that in fact Tigh loves Adama and everything he stands for and all of the military stuff more than either of them. He loves Bill the most!!!!!! So Tigh and Six lost the baby. DEPRESSING.

"Someone to Watch Over Me"
Grade: A-

This was a fucked up episode and a complete stand out. SO much of this episode was extremely high brow for television with some really stunning sequences that basically had to do with the use of piano based music for the episode gave everything a very poetic feel. We start out with the greatest opening to an episode of Battlestar since Season 1's "Kobol's Last Gleaming Part 1". This is an absolutely stunning piece of editing that perfectly showcased the monotony of Starbuck's life. This episode has two plots going on. One with Starbuck and one with Boomer and Tyrol.

Basically Starbuck ends up talking for the entire episode to her father although she does not know it at the time and at the end we find out it was all in her head and we are led to believe that Starbuck's father is Daniel the 7th and that Starbuck is the first Cylon hybrid not Hera although this information has not been actually shown on the show yet its the popular theory so much so that it is being taken as fact by everyone. While some were upset with wasting time when we have so little time left, I thought it was really important for Starbuck's character to have her unknowingly interact with her father and it really set the scene for next week which will apparently explain everything so that the information flying at us will have been coming along for a while now as opposed to it coming out of nowhere and seeming forced. I loved the scenes between her and her dad. I thought that it was nice to see her open up to someone and to meaningfully interact with someone which she had seemed basically incapable of doing.
The use of piano music in this episode was incredible and seriously beautiful. The lead up and reveal that the song her father taught her as a kid was "All Along the Watchtower" was freaking awesome.

Okay so the Boomer and Tyrol story added a while different level of despair and disturbance to the evening. First of all I love that they went back to the Tyrol/Boomer storyline picking it up after all of this time just because it really does go all the way back even to the miniseries. Second of all Tyrol is a moron. I understand why he connected to Boomer again; he really has nothing else going for him. The protection of what there live would have been seen was really touching and seriously depressing to me. For a second there I actually trusted Boomer. Why? I am a moron. Why the fuck did Helo not know who he was having sex with? That's fucked up. Honestly he should have known it was not her just because he must have another way of telling Athena apart from the other 8's. Honestly Helo way to be an idiot. And honestly Boomer way to be a sadistic bitch by fucking him knowing Athena can see. Then way to fucking steal a child and put her an a freaking cart. Athena's primal scream was awesome. Tyrol's reaction to all of this was great too. Where will he go from here? Will people find out about this? Great end to the episode.

Great episode with a really different feel to it, both beautiful and poetic but depressing and really disturbing at times. Only 4 hours left with 3 episodes to go. Here we go...