"Battlestar Galactica"
Season 4.5, Episode 4: "Blood on the Scales"
Grade: A-
So my show took a bit of a hit recently when my entire Critical Perspectives on TV class ripped it apart after viewing an episode for a screening. I do not agree with the episode the professor chose; I felt it was one of the weaker ones and did not show off any of the aspects that make it one of the greatest shows of all time. Everyone hated it and now I have to sit with these assholes for the rest of the semester. I swear nobody in this class watches television really. They have lives and that is good for them but whatever I want people in this class who know what the fuck is going on in television. I don't even think these people knew that "Mad Man" is on AMC. They have no idea of the status that "Battlestar" has among television critics and frankly, people with an iota of taste. They all think its just some average sci fi show not to be taken seriously. The things they said will haunt me. I'm trying to forget about it but I cannot. It was ridiculous. I have lost respect for most of my fellow classmates there. You do not blame a show for you not understanding what is going on when we are watching an episode that is taken out of context. Fucking morons. It makes me sad that even at Clark, people are unwilling to open their minds up to different storytelling. "Why are they saying things like 'hotdog' and 'nuggets'? How are we supposed to take that seriously?" "I hated her (Starbuck), her acting, her character, everything". "It was hokey and melodramatic" (which is the last way I would describe this show). Ok people, go back to watching "Grey's Anatomy" or "Heroes" or "Desperate Housewives" or any other shit shows you watch while I go back to the shows that will stand the test of time. This is my one definitive area where my false sense of superiority kicks in. I will not hide it. I am not ashamed of it anymore. I am proud of my taste in film and television. And I am sad that nobody else in my class will get to see what the show can do and will go on thinking that I and the show are lame. On the contrary. They are lame.
Getting back to the episode though, while I felt the wrap up to this was a bit too tidy and there was not the casuality rate I had wanted on the good side to make things really intense this was still a killer episode. Possibly the greatest Roslin moment ever culminating in "I'm coming for all of you!". Anders getting shot was intense. I really loved the moments with Gaeta and Gaius at the end there because it was just a really fitting way to end everything. The farther along we get the more I think that few people will die by the end of the series. Roslin surely will. Anyone else though? I'm not sure. I cannot remember what else happened since it has been a week but I remember it being really intense and fantastic to watch.
Tonight's episode looks informational and I hope it is instead of us not finding out anything until way late in the episode if at all. I hope we find out a lot of information and get some stuff answered. I swear is Anders says "I remember everything" 2 minutes before the episode ends I will flip my lid.
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