"Lost" Season 5, Episode 5:
"This Place is Death"
Grade: A
OK I do not even know where to start with this episode. I literally was tweaking for the entire 43 minutes. While it did not have as much of a focus as we are used to seeing on "Lost" I still felt a lot happened and the amount of information and new intrigue thrown at us was more than I could ask for in an entire season I will just go through the episodes by each what the fuck moment?
1. An entire smoke monster scene in the first 10 minutes?! What the fuck!?
Ok seeing the smoke monster in full is always a big deal. It rarely happens and this time we learned something new and ridiculously awesome.....
2. The smoke monster is guarding some sort of temple?! What the fuck!?
Ok we always knew it was guarding something and even though we have no idea what it means, its still really cool to finally see where it is coming out of....
3. The smoke monster ripped someone's arm off?!?! What the fuck?!
That was sick and fantastic.
4. The smoke monster took the French crew minus Danielle into said temple and they came back out of it but it had infected them with some kind of sickness and this is how they went insane. What the fuck?!
Okay so the smoke monster provided the sickness that infected her crew. And she did not get sick because she did not go inside. Because Jin told her not to! Omg how cool is it that this is all coming together? Getting to see that moment with Danielle and the father of her baby, Robert was such a nostalgic rewarding moment. In the short 2 minutes you can see exactly how she got from point A to point B and its incredible how they pulled that off.
5. This is not a wtf moment but Sawyer's reunion with Jin is just too adorable for words. I love seeing how much Sawyer really does love Hurley and Jin because he really has grown attached to those two.
6. Charlotte tells Jin not to let Sun come back to the island and that "this place is death". Shit like this seriously confuses me. I have been under the impression that going back to the island is indeed what everyone needs to do. But when Claire and Charlotte say things like this, it gets me confused and wondering whether they really should go back to the island.
7. We learn Charlotte's history in her final moments: She was born on the island, she spent some of her childhood there, her mother took her away from the island and told her it was all imagined and since then she has dedicated her life to finding this island. Wow talk about depressing and tragic. This would have been a What the Fuck!? moment if everyone watching hadn't basically figured it out by now. But then she dropped this mindfuck of a bombshell on us;
8. She tells Daniel that she remembers a "crazy" man from her childhood who scared her. This man had told her that she must never come back to the Island or she would die. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! Ok it was at this point when I was just about ready to throw in the towel for the night and give up because of the awesomeness taking place. Then we get the creepiest, coolest death filled with tragedy and childhood. Charlotte's last words are incredible.It was a tragically and beautifully creepy moment. I loved Charlotte so I am pretty devastated she's gone.
9. Locke gets a stick through his leg...what the fuck? This poor man has been through enough with his leg already. Wasn't he just shot there too?
10. Who is waiting down at the well for Locke? JACK'S DAD. What the fuck?! Insane. He needs to die. Christian leads him down the path. Its all insane.
Its been a while since I had started this post so I'll end it here. But anyway great incredible episode. Not as much of a focus as some other episodes but I still loved seing a bunch of really satisying little moments and seeing really great nuggets of info for the people who really soak up the mythology of the show like I do.