So Time Magazine has reviewed the pilot episode of Joss Whedon's highly anticipated new show "Dollhouse". Overall he seemed to like it however he had a couple of reservations. One was that he did not think that Whedon was meant to really operate under the story of the week format. Another is that does not think Eliza Dushku has the chops to pull off playing another person every week. He said her different personality in the first episode just seemd like she had her hair in a ponytail and she had glasses on. This was what was worrying me about the show. I like Eliza but I do not think she is capable of headlining a show like this. Here's hoping that she can pull it off at least for the 7 or so episodes that the show will most likely last for considering FOX's apparent readiness to cancel the show before the show even freakin airs.
Here is the link:
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